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The year ahead is a numerological 7, which is represented by The Chariot tarot card. What that means? 2023 is a time to make moves and attain greatness. The caveat: You may be impatient, wanting to achieve your goals super fast... but it could take a while. The lesson is to not give up on your dreams and to manifest what’s in your heart.
Curious to see what’s in store for your sign this year? Check out your personal tarot reading below.
Aries: Temperance
2023 is asking you to slow down, Aries. You normally go at 200 mph and you’re experiencing major burnout. In order to pick up the pieces of your exhausted mind and body, embrace moderation in the upcoming year — it can't be hard work 24/7. Rest, relaxation, and self-care are key components of your routine.
Taurus: 2 of Cups
An ally may come from an unexpected source, which means that you shouldn’t turn your back on others before they’ve proven themselves to you. Seeing people for who they truly are is going to broaden your peer circle after you let go of a few frenemies. Think of this as a moment in time when you’re coming clear on who your true blue pals are.
Gemini: Queen of Wands
It’s time for you to embrace your independence. This could mean starting your own business, letting go of old emotional upsets, or breaking away from people who don’t serve your best interests anymore. The bottom line is that you’re taking a stand and moving towards autonomy. The only person you will have to answer to in the year ahead is yourself — no one else.
Cancer: The Emperor
Setting boundaries isn’t the issue for you — maintaining them is! In order to maintain healthy relationships in 2023, stick to your guns and be sure to practice what you preach. It will require a lot of respect, understanding, and consideration to make boundaries work on both sides.
Leo: 9 of Swords
Holding back your emotions from others and indecision about the direction you want to take in life will create stress in your life. Instead of worrying about the future, try to be present in the moment –and don’t repress your true emotions. Say how you feel in the moment rather than holding them in and creating immense anxiety for yourself.
Virgo: Justice
It's time to hold others accountable for their actions, Virgo. 2023 will give you the opportunity to keep your emotions real and to not placate others by putting up with their pettiness. If someone acts out or doesn’t treat you correctly, it’s time to take a stand and hold them to the same standards you hold yourself to. No more free emotional passes.
Libra: Ace of Disks
A new lucrative opportunity is coming your way. Embrace the chance to make money off of your innate talents. You have all the potential to succeed — so you better show the world what you got. Also, remember to take one day at a time and to not rush the process. Anything can and will happen if you put your heart and soul into your work.
Scorpio: 6 of Wands
You have all the tools available to you that can help in achieving anything you want. As long as you maintain a positive attitude and have faith in yourself — the sky’s the limit. The moment you begin to doubt yourself is where the trouble begins, so try to think optimistically when setting intentions or manifesting your goals this year. Remember: positive mind, positive vibes.
Sagittarius: King of Swords
You are taking no prisoners when it comes to your ambitions this year. Last year, you allowed others to strong-arm you into taking a step back and letting them take the lead. Now, you’re wanting to take your power back with full force. The caveat is that your quest for success may create tensions with others, so you may want to subdue your brashness.
Capricorn: Wheel of Fortune
Karma is real. You’ll see it begin to affect people who’ve wronged you in unexpected ways. As these matters begin to unfold, it’s important for you to keep yourself in high moral standing in order to ensure that karma doesn’t begin to affect your own life. Be kind to others, play by the rules, and be the best version of yourself to maintain an upwards flow.
Aquarius: 3 of Wands
It’s time to broaden your horizons and think of a better strategy to attain your desires. The old ways of making moves and gaining success aren’t working, which is why your game plan is in need of some serious changes. Stop thinking small and look at the larger perspective in order to embrace a different method of understanding and higher minded pursuits.
Pisces: King of Cups
You tend to wear your heart on your sleeve and that sentiment won’t change in the year ahead, Pisces. However, you will be more selective about who you confide in, opting to only share your innermost feelings with a small group of friends or family that you trust, rather than everyone on social media.