Britney Spears is set to top another chart: the bestseller list. Sources close to the superstar singer say that her previously announced memoir is done and dusted — and set to take the world by storm when it's released later this year. Though no official date has been shared just yet, many presume that Spears's book will be available before the holidays and address everything, from her past relationships to the tumultuous times between Justin Timberlake and her recent court victory, which saw her removed from a conservatorship controlled by her father, Jamie Spears.
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“Britney’s book is a story of triumph. It will cover her most vulnerable moments, her childhood – being a little girl with big dreams – her breakup with Justin Timberlake, the moment she shaved her head, and her battle with her family over her conservatorship,” a source told Page Six.
Though there aren't many details just yet, the source added, "It is also a story of survival, finding her way out of the crippling conservatorship to finding happiness with her husband Sam Ashgari.”
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Page Six also shared that Spears worked with ghostwriter Sam Lansky, who previously had work published by The Atlantic, New York Magazine, and Time. Lansky has covered some of the biggest names in the music industry, including Madonna, Nicki Minaj, and Adele. Spears's book is set to be published by Simon & Schuster (with a rumored $15 million deal sealed by Creative Artists Agency and Spears's lawyer Mathew Rosengart) and sources in the publishing world say that fans won't be disappointed with it. Currently, it's under legal review before it can go to print.
A source added, “Britney’s book is brutally honest and from the heart. No stone is left unturned. It's truly a female empowerment story – her taking control of her life.”
Another individual close to the project explained, “This book is a gift ... There are parts of this book that every person — particularly every woman — can relate to and feel less alone. She transforms joy and pain into something transcendent: art. This is an inspiring read, not only because it shows the strength of Britney’s spirit, but because her story is told with such style, wit, intelligence, honesty, and without any self-pity. She is entirely winning in these pages."
Of course, with a huge name like Britney Spears attached to it, there's almost a guarantee that it'll be a major seller, something that the source confirmed, saying, "This book will ... shake the world. I believe that it will also be a groundbreaking instant bestseller."