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Just like everyone on your Instagram feed, Dakota Johnson is currently very much OOO and enjoying a vacation in Italy. And like any supportive girlfriend (and maybe fiancée), she's spending that time with Chris Martin as his band Coldplay tours. In a video obtained by the Daily Mail (you can go to the paper's website to see for yourself), Martin takes a little time during the band's Naples set to stop near the front of the sound deck where Dakota can be seen taking in all the sights and sounds of the show — and naturally, fans of love and Coldplay alike are loving every second of it.
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While the video doesn't reveal which song he was singing, fans got to see Dakota blowing a kiss at her beau and smiling from ear to ear. Martin returned the smile before heading back to the stage, and the clip also shows several fans around the duo soaking it all in, too.
During a 2021 show in London, Martin pointed to Dakota in the crowd and said, "This is about my universe, and she's here," before the band performed "My Universe."
The duo started dating in 2017, but didn't confirm their relationship until the next year. E! notes that in addition to making it to multiple Coldplay shows, Johnson also helped the band become more friendly to fans with hearing issues.
"They are called SubPacs," Martin said of the technology during an appearance on the Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend podcast. "Dakota, my partner, gave me one as a gift because she saw someone online experiencing whatever they are experiencing with this — it's kind of like body armor — you put it on and plug it in and it connects to the base."
Now, he explains, they have 10-20 SubPacs per show. According to the brand's website, the devices are part of a "patented tactile audio system that provides a new high-resolution immersive experience to all media."
"So, we started using it and it's been so amazing and it should get better and better," he noted.