Hilary Duff has played many roles in her life, from Disney's Lizzie McGuire to Sophie from How I Met Your Father, but arguably her most important role in life has been that of a mother. The mom of three often (and honestly!) shares stories about her little ones on social media, but earlier this year, she managed to make things extra official, adding the title of Chief Mom Officer for Carter's to her resume.
So what exactly does the job entail? Most recently, Duff appears in the clothing brand's holiday campaign and is also working with Carter's to give back to other families.
"The holidays are such a special time for families," she tells InStyle, discussing Carter's Dream Holiday Giveaway. "We are constantly looking for special ways to make new memories together each year. We are always hoping to bring joy into our lives, the lives of others, and give back all season long. The last few years have been some of the hardest on parents, especially those with young children, and with this specific Carter’s giveaway campaign, I wanted to be able to play a role in making the holidays a little easier for parents who work so hard to curate their family’s holidays."
Starting Nov. 30 through Dec. 5, families can enter for the chance to win up to $5,000 toward their holiday wish. All they have to do is share their story and holiday dream on Carter's website, at 10 families will be chosen in total.
Duff has also been designing clothes for Carter's and 2023 is set to be a big year for the partnership.
"I’ve never really had the opportunity to co-design a full collection of baby clothes until I started working with Carter’s, so that has been fulfilling," she says. "My spring limited-edition collection is launching early next year, which I’m really excited about and think parents are going to just love."
First things first, though, Duff is focused on fully embracing this time of year.
"I love having days where my family can spend all day hanging around the house. Messy hair, matching holiday PJs (Carter’s has some really cute ones), holiday music, and hot cocoa (or wine) in hand — those are some of the moments that get me in the holiday spirit!"
Still, as much as she enjoys coordinating nighttime fits, she does draw the line at everyday wear.
"Each of my little ones have their own personality so I always try to give them a chance to show that off through the outfits they wear," she says.
Another thing she probably won't be partaking in this time of year? Playing her holiday album from 2002, Santa Claus Lane, for her kids.
"I don’t ever listen to that album with my family, because I’m afraid they might actually love it!" she says. "Never say never...I love Christmas music!"
Looking ahead to 2023, Duff says she's hoping to find more balance since she always has "a lot of plates in the air when it comes to my life and juggling being a working mom."
"The mom guilt can be really heavy at times, but I always try to keep the perspective that it’s important for my kids to see their mom working and doing something she loves," she tells us. "I try not to put too much pressure on myself when it comes to resolutions, so I’d say that as a mom, I have a few 'non-resolutions' for 2023 that I think would be helpful for all parents!"
Her list ranges from lighthearted to more serious, essentially vowing to not stress about the small stuff and put her mental health first.
"First, don’t stress about filling every cubby in your kid's lunchbox — they don’t eat it all! I am always hopeful that I’ll unpack an empty lunchbox but know that is never the reality. And on a broader scale, just making an effort in taking more time for myself — whether it’s going out to more lunches with my girlfriends, making date nights with my husband, or taking a bath without a child or floating toy. And lastly, protect your peace by saying ‘no’ more often, whether it’s to your parents, friends, or kids...without the guilt!"