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Believe it or not, wash day is actually something I look forward to.
Instead of approaching it from the standpoint of a chore, I look at it as a time to slow down, take care of my hair, and watch a few back-to-back episodes of The Real Housewives of Orange County. But every rose has its thorn, and a lot of the time, my towels take a bit of a beating on a weekly basis.
I typically follow the LOC method when styling my hair, which means I start with wet hair, coat it with an oil, then follow up with a cream — I personally like a light leave-in conditioner. Afterwards, I use a detangling brush to get rid of any knots, then apply a gel before I start twisting and finger coiling each section.
If it sounds like a lot of product, it's because it is. So, to avoid build-up and subsequent flakes and residue, I always grab a towel and squeeze the excess product out of my hair before moving on to the next section, then wipe my hands off in said towel.
Since laundry day and wash day typically don't happen simultaneously, sometimes my towels get a little... uh... crunchy? (I really don't know how else to put it, sorry) This is due to the excess product left on them — even after they've been washed, which is annoying.
Thankfully, though, a new product from Downy has completely changed the game, and it's now a must have for my other wash day.
Downy's Rinse and Refresh is specially formulated to remove odor and residue. In this instance, I don't really need to worry about the former since my hair products smell fabulous. But it does an impressive job of ridding my towels of any residues from oils, leave-ins, and gel.
To shop: $13;
To use, I simply replace my typical fabric softener with this product in the wash. But for stubborn build-up, I sometimes apply it directly to the towel before throwing it in the wash.
No matter which setting I set the machine to — whether it be delicate or cold — I'm left with soft, never crunchy (sorry again!) towels that are ready for the upcoming hair wash day.
So, if you've been putting your towels through the ringer like me, you'll definitely want to stock up on this goodie from Downy ASAP.
This is All Natural. From the kinkiest coils to loose waves, we're celebrating natural hair in its many forms by sharing expert tips for styling, maintenance, and haircare.