Happy birthday to Courteney Cox! The beautiful birthday gal, who's best known for having played Monica Geller on Friends, turns 52 today. Aside from her forever-famous Friends role, the actress turned director has a long list of acting experience under her belt. From Family Ties, to Seinfeld and Scrubs, the many sitcoms Cox has starred in have cemented her spot among TV's finest actors and actresses. When it comes to film work, Cox appeared in the Scream film franchise, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, and The Runner.
Through it all, Cox has remained totally ageless. The actress, now in her early 50s, appears totally fresh-faced whenever she steps out, leading us to wonder about her beauty regimen. Clearly a skincare expert, Cox recently let xoJane in on her "secret" (aka her self-proclaimed product line of choice) to glowing, youthful skin: the Mila Moursi skincare line.
Mila Moursi Triple Action Eye Contour Cream, $125, milamoursiskincare.com
In penning her xoJane piece, Cox said she's been loyal to the Mila Moursi line for close to 10 years. Specifically, she's crazy about the Triple Action Eye Contour Cream (above) for getting rid of dark circles and puffiness. "I strongly believe in using products that are good for you," Cox wrote. "This eye cream has natural ingredients like oat and chamomile. Nothing toxic or damaging."
So, there you have it! Turns out, it's not only good genes in Hollywood—even the always-gorgeous Cox keeps a product or two on hand to help with the aging process. Clearly, she's got the right idea about skincare; after all, this birthday girl looks better than ever at age 52.