First Lady Melania Trump made an appearance at the UN on Wednesday and used her platform to shine a light on a cause close to her heart: childhood bullying. In a passionate speech, Trump urged world leaders to “step up” and help improve the lives of our future generations.
“Nothing could be more urgent nor worthy a cause than preparing future generations for adulthood with true moral clarity and responsibility. To achieve this, we must come together for the good of our children,” Trump, dressed in a hot pink Delpozo dress and matching pumps, said at the UN luncheon.
“We must teach each child the values of empathy and communication that are at the core of kindness, mindfulness, integrity, and leadership, which can only be taught by example. By our own example, we must teach children to be good stewards of the world they will inherit," she said. "We must remember that they are watching and listening, so we must never miss an opportunity to teach life’s many ethical lessons along the way. As adults, we are not merely responsible: We are accountable.”
“I hope you will join me in committing ourselves to teaching the next generation to live by and honor the golden rule,” the First Lady continued. “We must turn our focus right now to the message and content they are exposed to on a daily basis through social media, the bullying they experience online and in person, and the growing glowing epidemic of drug addiction and drug overdose.”
Rather than address her husband President Donald Trump's history of being called out for online bullying tactics, the First Lady focused her message on how to prevent childhood bullying.