In case you hadn't noticed while watching That '70s Show re-runs, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are the cutest fictional couple ever. But fiction became reality when these two found themselves in a relationship years after their show ended, and they continue to slay the world with their sweetness on a daily basis. Well, sweetness and a totally down-to-earth quality that makes them one of Hollywood's most relatable couples, not to mention parents—because yep, they have an adorable baby named Wyatt Isabelle who's totally *not* going to grow up to be an "a—hole." (You'll get it in a moment.)
So, want proof that Ashton and Mila are ALL the husband-and-wife #goals? Here ya go.
1. They bought Wyatt's domain name so porn stars couldn't use it (no, really): “We got the Twitter handle, the Instagram, everything you could possibly... I don’t want a porn site with my daughter’s name on it. It is unacceptable to me. It’s not going to happen.” — Ashton Kutcher
2. On getting the cheapest wedding band possible: "I wanted the thinnest possible platinum band. I was like, 'They're how much? What, this is astronomical!' So, I went on Etsy and I was like, '$90?' I was like, 'Buy now!'" — Mila Kunis
3. On making sure their kid grows up normal: "The one topic of conversation we had even prior to ever having kids was always how do you raise a child to not be an a--hole? And it's so important because we both came from pretty, pretty, solid poverty backgrounds and grew up very poor and are very much self-made and are very aware of what a dollar is worth." — Mila Kunis
4. On their kid being insane: "Children are f—king crazy. They’re also suicidal. Like, at the park, certain jungle gyms have an opening for older kids to jump out of. She’s 19 months; she can’t jump. She just walks off it as if she’s on a pirate ship. Another important thing to learn is that kids have a personality that has nothing to do with you. I have a really sweet daughter. She wants to hug all the other kids. I didn’t teach her to be sweet. It has nothing to do with me. I’ve realized you can control only so much." — Mila Kunis
5. On being friends with benefits: "We'd literally attempt to go see other people, and then that night we'd be like, 'Hey! What are you up to? Wanna come over?' It ended up going from just having fun to genuinely wanting... When I realized I was nervous was when I spoke to him. I was like, 'I don't like this anymore.'" — Mila Kunis
6. On their daughter's dance skills: "She likes to whip and nae nae. She does! I think she think she's doing it … because it's whippin' and nae-nae-ing. Mama taught her that." — Ashton Kutcher
7. If their kid kills someone, it's cool: "If she murdered somebody in cold blood, I would love her. I would be like, ‘That’s OK.’ It’s so weird, but when she was born, I was like, ‘This is the most incredible thing that’s ever happened.'" — Mila Kunis
8. The reason they didn't get a nanny will make you love them: "We just want to know our kid. We want to be the people that know what to do when the baby’s crying to make the baby not cry anymore. We want to know, like, when she makes a little face or something, we want to be emotionally in touch with her. And I think the only way to do that is by being the one who’s there." — Ashton Kutcher
9. Why their kid is exactly like a phone: "It’s like getting a new cell phone where all the features don’t work yet. It’s like a phone that won’t take pictures, and you’re like, 'Why won’t my phone take pictures?' And it won’t make calls and it doesn’t do a lot, but it looks really cute." — Ashton Kutcher
10. On Ashton's love of changing diapers: "My husband is an incredibly hands-on dad. When my child was born, I was breastfeeding, and he said, 'That's your connection. I want to change every diaper.' When we're in public, if it's a pee-pee diaper, you can change her at the table, but if it's a poo-poo diaper, you don't want to affect the people eating. So he's like, 'Err, I guess I'm going to the ladies' room to do it.'" —Mila Kunis
11. On valuing privacy at their wedding: "It was a ninja effort. We really didn't want helicopters at our wedding and it's a legitimate concern. So we—I was like posting things on social media that were in different locations to avoid—we didn't want to be screaming our vows at each other. So we went really under the radar with it." — Ashton Kutcher