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January may get all the credit for kicking off a new year, but this year’s astrology breaks that mold. Welcome to February, which, in many ways, may feel like the true beginning of 2023, because it’s the first full month in which Mars, the planet of action, and Mercury, the planet of communication, will be moving forward and functioning at full capacity. Co-hosted by future-minded fixed air sign Aquarius, which the sun moves through until February 18, and dreamy mutable water sign Pisces, in which the sun resides until March 20, this is the perfect month for letting your imagination run wild — and allowing your intuition to fuel manifestation.
A few highlights: On February 5, a passionate full moon in Leo serves as a culmination point for intentions you set around the new moon on July 28, 2022. Because it squares off against rebellious Uranus, fiery emotions could be running high and spur impulsivity or the desire to strike out on your own. And on February 11, after spending many weeks in serious, tradition-loving Capricorn, thanks to its retrograde, messenger Mercury will follow the sun into Aquarius, breathing quirky new life into thought processes and communication. Cue all the team projects! And that dynamic vibe will be amplified by Venus moving into Aries, the action-oriented cardinal fire sign on February 20, setting the stage for a bolder approach to relationships, beauty, and money until March 16. (Be sure to read your rising sign as well as your sun.)
The year has gotten off to a much slower start than you would ideally like, thanks to your ruling planet, go-getter Mars moving backward in your communication zone until January 12 and messenger Mercury retrograde in your career sector until January 18. But this month, you’ll finally begin to feel like you can build momentum, especially related to learning, socializing, and getting ahead on the job. Around February 5, when the full moon illuminates your romance and self-expression zone and squares off against revolutionary Uranus in your money zone, you might feel compelled to tap your artistic impulses to drive a new moneymaking project. And while owning and using your voice and perspective can be incredibly fulfilling and integral to boosting cash flow, so will working alongside colleagues and friends, particularly while messenger Mercury is in your networking sector from February 11 to March 2.
Thanks to the sun’s trip through your spirituality zone from February 18 to March 20, dreams, meditations, and your inner monologue may be amplified, providing insights that can set up long-term goals. And as sweet Venus moves through your sign from February 20 to March 16, pleasure and fun-loving activities are even more top of mind than usual — and are within reach. It bears noting that Jupiter, the planet of abundance, is also in your sign now, so as Venus gains on it toward the end of the month, expect a surge of optimism and good fortune, especially when it comes to being out in the world and spending time with loved ones.
The transits of the past couple of months have encouraged you to reflect on how you’re getting after your income-related goals and expanding your horizons, and finally, this month, you can begin to take related action. At the same time, acknowledging and working through deep-rooted emotions will be necessary — especially around February 5 when the full moon falls in your home zone. Although Aquarius season pulls your focus toward your professional aspirations, you’ll need to care for your inner life around this full moon. Because it squares off against revolutionary Uranus in your sign, you might even have a breakthrough or experience a sudden shift related to family life that proves eye-opening — and, ultimately, healing. Then, from February 11 to March 2, that existing focus on your big picture goals is supported by Mercury, the planet of communication, moving through your career zone. Call that meeting, make that presentation, or send out your revised resume, as it could lead to satisfying communication connected to your public image.
The February 20 new moon falls in your networking zone, so setting an intention related to a group effort — or simply a long-term wish — and sharing it with friends or colleagues could pave the way for a rewarding outcome in six months’ time. And from February 20 to March 16, your ruler, relationship-oriented Venus travels through your spirituality zone, which can encourage you to be a bit more private and even secretive about your most romantic desires. This could look like sending sneaky sexts or sharing long-held fantasies with your S.O. — and/or potentially finding that a mind-body routine is actually nourishing your relationship with yourself and someone special.
Mercury retrogrades are always apt to mess more with you than others, Gemini, but with Mars moving backward in your sign since October 30, you have been going through it. Thankfully, you can breathe a major sigh of relief this month, because you’re finally getting a stream of steady green lights. In fact, you’ve probably taken on so much and are dealing with such a packed social calendar that around February 5, when the full moon is in your communication zone, you could be feeling super-overwhelmed. It’s OK to take a step back from your laundry list of commitments to reassess what absolutely needs your attention — and what can fall by the wayside, for a moment or entirely. On February 10, your ruler, messenger Mercury, pairs up with transformative Pluto in your intimacy zone, and it may be time to finally have an intensely emotional conversation with a loved one. If you’re not quite sure how to frame your approach, think back to any thoughts about your closest bonds and comfort level that came up for you during the retrograde from December 29 to January 18.
The next day, Mercury moves into your adventure sector, where it’ll be until March 2, setting a wholly different tone. Now you’ll be fired up to research long-distance trips, explore new learning opportunities, and possibly even schedule experiences that feel spiritually enriching (like a sound bath or sessions with a mentor). And as Venus, the planet of relationships, moves through your networking zone from February 20 to March 16, you’ll be even more drawn to group hangs and opportunities to support your community — on the job and in your life. Lean on friends and colleagues to feel more connected, and you’ll find they’ve also got your back when it comes to pursuing a goal that’s close to your heart.
While the confident sun has been in your emotional bonds and intimacy sector for the last couple of weeks, your closest relationships have been a major focus. Joint resources have likely also claimed your attention. And around February 5, when the full moon falls in your money zone, you intuitively know that it’s time to address an ongoing issue related to your assets or earning. It could be time to raise your rates, say “yes” to a new source of income, or deal with a financial matter that’s been hanging over your head. Thankfully, with messenger Mercury and go-getter Mars moving forward, you’ll enjoy smoother sailing as you take steps to manage whatever’s coming up for you in the days around this full moon. And after spending so much time in your partnership sector, messenger Mercury will finally move into your intimacy zone from February 10 to March 2, supporting your efforts to talk through money matters and be even more vulnerable with loved ones.
Being open to even the most challenging conversations bolsters your confidence, and around February 20, when the new moon falls in your adventure sector, you could be motivated to set an ambitious intention related to growth and getting out of your comfort zone. Get clear on the skills you want to hone and how they naturally dovetail with your perspective and personal philosophy. And while it’s not quite Aries season or springtime just yet, you’ll start to feel ready to hit the gas on your efforts to get ahead on the job. From February 20 to March 16, relationship-oriented Venus in your professional sector supports your efforts to shmooze higher-ups and make a memorable, applause-worthy impression.
As your ruler, the confident sun moves through Aquarius and your partnership zone, you’re more intently focused on your one-on-one relationships. But sitting just across from that sector of your chart is the first house of self, and around February 5, your annual full moon falls there. It’s possible that over the past couple of weeks — or even last six months — you’ve been thinking about the give and take in your romantic, platonic, and professional pair-ups. And if you’ve too been too frequently putting your desires on the backburner, or, on the flipside, struggling to create space for others’ needs to be met, the bill is now due. That said, the days around this full moon could be pretty emotional but dealing with whatever feelings surface can prove productive and enlightening. It’ll also help that right on the heels of it, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves through your partnership zone — from February 11 to March 2 — which can support your efforts to talk about your vision, hear a S.O./friend/colleague’s perspective, and bolster mutual understanding.
Around February 20, the new moon in your intimacy zone marks the start of a new chapter related to your nearest and dearest bonds and joint resources. And from February 20 to March 16, romantic Venus in your higher learning sector brings an adventure-loving new vibe to your love and creative life. This can lay the groundwork for you to connect with friends or even potential partners from around the globe. The prospect of enjoying more horizon-broadening experiences can be pretty thrilling. On February 22, when Mercury forms a harmonizing angle to go-getter Mars in your long-term wishes zone, you’ll feel like you have a clear runway to turn a goal you’ve been researching and talking about into your day-to-day reality.
If only because it’s your ruling planet, Mercury’s retrograde from December 29 to January 18 no doubt slowed down all your best efforts to get super-organized and on top of your 2023 game plans. But as February kicks off, the messenger planet is fully moving forward in your self-expression sector, and you may be feeling downright inspired to own your voice and pour it into creatively fulfilling endeavors. Around February 5, when the full moon falls in your spirituality zone, your dreams could be intensified — as could your need to rest and recharge. Taking a time-out from your hectic hustle and nurturing your mind, body, and spirit could actually be more productive than pushing through this quiet moment. It can help to know that from February 11 to March 2, Mercury moves through your wellness zone, which should feel energizing as you’ll have the wind in your sails when it comes to checking off everyday to-dos and making progress on health goals.
As the sun moves into your partnership zone on February 18, where it’ll remain until March 20, you’ll also feel even more confident in your one-on-one bonds and when it comes to furthering goals you share with a S.O., friend, or colleague. Plan meetings and work through your aspirations as a duo, as putting your heads together can get you across the finish line even faster — not to mention it’ll be more fun. Your closest relationships also get a boost from Venus, the planet of love, moving through your intimacy zone from February 20 to March 16. Now’s a really lovely moment to embrace being more vulnerable about what you want out of your sex life and to talk through deep-seated feelings that might be holding you back from fully connecting mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
You’ve been in a constant state of hitting the rewind button when it comes to family affairs, and getting out of your usual routine has been tougher than usual, thanks to last month’s retrogrades. But February is all about getting unstuck — and taking care of daily business that’s going to help you feel like you’re building momentum. For starters, you’ll do well to lean on friends and colleagues around February 5 when the full moon falls in your networking zone. Sharing your wins and challenges with others can nourish your emotional well-being now more than usual while bolstering your platonic connections. Then, from February 11 to March 2, after so many weeks in your home zone, messenger Mercury finally moves forward in your self-expression and romance zone, which can stimulate your creativity and flirtatiousness. If you're single, this could breathe new energy into your dating life, and if you’re attached, it’ll be easier to share what’s in your heart with your S.O.
On February 16, the sun pairs up with serious Saturn in your romance zone, which could inspire you to define the relationship or sign a contract on a creative endeavor. And around February 20, the new moon in your health zone presents a sweet chance to set a powerful intention related to your mind-body wellness. This is fertile ground for building a healthy new habit. From the same day to March 16, romantic Venus, your ruling planet, will move through your partnership zone, making your one-on-one relationships even more a source of joy and pleasure than usual.
The last few months have had you feeling a bit stuck, but finally, you’re feeling reenergized and refocused, especially when it comes to connecting with friends and your nearest and dearest. Aquarius season also pulls your attention toward your home life, Scorpio, and around February 5, the full moon in your career zone challenges you to meditate on the current balance — or lack thereof — between your inner and outer life. You could be driven to set stronger boundaries and take a stand for your needs in either area of your life, and because the moon forms a tense square to Uranus, the planet of change, in your partnership zone, working through this emotional moment with a dear friend, loved one, or S.O. could be the key to a breakthrough. Then, while Mercury, the planet of communication, moves through your home zone from February 11 to March 2, you can more readily tackle domestic to-dos alongside loved ones. At the same time, connecting with family members might be particularly enjoyable, so schedule a sibling or cousin hang.
On February 15, sweet Venus pairs up with mystical Neptune in your romance zone, which could bring a dreamy, spiritually-satisfying vibe to your love life. You’ll be even more compassionate and understanding than usual with loved ones or a S.O., but there’s also a risk of wearing rose-colored glasses, too, so be sure that in thinking about relationships, you’re not too far removed from reality. And while relationship-oriented Venus moves through your health sector from February 20 to March 16, you might be motivated to make your wellness plan more social, maybe by trying a new workout studio with your bestie or doing a meditation challenge with coworkers.
With messenger Mercury retrograde in your money zone and go-getter Mars retrograde in your partnership sector last month, you might’ve felt like life was especially frenetic and frustrating at times. But this month, thanks to both planets moving full steam ahead, you can get more done, and you can’t help but be feeling even more free-spirited than usual. In fact, around February 5, when the full moon is in your adventure zone, you’ll be compelled to trust your gut in order to take a chance on a path that feels bold and out of the ordinary. Think: booking an impromptu trip or trying a challenging workout class that requires honing new skills. Learning is actually a really big theme for you this month, Sag, thanks to messenger Mercury in your communication zone from February 11 to March 2. Any opportunity you have to meet up with friends to brainstorm new ways to work together or achieve your goals can be truly stimulating and satisfying.
Then, when Pisces season kicks off, the confident sun moves through your home zone from February 18 to March 20, which can set a cozy, homebody vibe that’s not quite your jam. You can still take advantage by finding ways to slow down and embrace more quality time with your loved ones, which should prove rejuvenating and nourishing for your closest bonds. Around February 20, the new moon falls there, and getting clear on a goal related to your home life (like moving into a new place or healing old wounds with a family member) can set you up for gratifying results about six months down the road. And from February 20 to March 16, Venus, the planet of relationships, moves through your romance and self-expression zone, which can make for more playfulness, pleasure, and creativity ahead of spring fever setting in.
Given just how industrious you are, Cap, no doubt your season simply wasn’t as productive as you would have liked, thanks to messenger Mercury’s retrograde through your sign from December 29 to January 18. You’ve had to go back to the drawing board and review your strategy for moving the ball forward on passion projects. Now, finally, February presents you with a clear runway for getting your dreams off the ground. But first, around February 5, the full moon in your intimacy zone demands that you address fairly heavy emotions within a close relationship. This moment was made for expressing what you need in order to feel more comfortable — and to hear what a S.O., dear friend, or loved one needs to feel the same. Then, from February 11 to March 2, messenger Mercury in your money zone fuels your ability to research and share big ideas related to income-generation.
Pisces season lights up your social life from February 18 to March 20, and the new moon there on February 20 presents you with a lovely chance to commit to learning something new, ideally alongside friends and colleagues. And from February 20 to March 16, relationship-oriented Venus moves through your home zone, turning you into a bit more of a homebody than usual. Sure, tasks need to be checked off the list and there’s still plenty of work that needs to be done, but carving out extra downtime with loved ones can do wonders for your overall emotional well-being now more than usual.
WIth your birthday season in full swing, you could be feeling extra future-minded, progressive, and devoted to pouring time and energy into your beloved platonic bonds. But one-on-one relationships might demand even more of your attention around February 5 when the full moon is in your partnership zone. You might be more likely to butt heads with a S.O., loved one, or dear friend whose perspective is opposite your own. But instead of digging your heels in — as you might be especially apt to do, given the fixed nature of this moon — you’ll do well to consider their motivation and strive for understanding and compromise. In fact, because the moon squares off against Uranus, the planet of sudden change, a willingness to be more flexible could actually lead to a happy lightbulb moment that shifts the dynamic of your bond in a positive way. Then, you can share your big picture ideas even more passionately and accurately than usual, thanks to messenger Mercury, the planet of communication, moving through your sign from February 11 to March 2.
You’ll do well to think about how you can turn those ideas into income, particularly as the confident sun moves through your money zone from February 18 to March 20. On February 20, taking even one small step — whether that’s having a conversation, sending an email, or tinkering with your resume — can plant the seed that leads to financial rewards you’ve been envisioning. Connecting with others and making more room in your busy schedule for happy hours and weekend get-togethers can also prove heartening and even more fun than usual from February 20 to March 16 while Venus moves through your communication zone, emphasizing friendship.
Your birthday season is on the horizon, but for at least the first two weeks of February, with the confident sun moving through your spirituality zone, the month could feel a bit sleepy. It’s as though you’re still dreaming just ahead of your alarm going off. But take note of whatever vivid ideas and wishes stream through, no matter how bizarre they may seem, because it’s possible they’ll lead to a thrilling new aspiration. Your wellness is a key focus early this month, as well, given that the full moon on February 5 falls in your health zone. If you’ve been wanting to overhaul any problematic patterns that are affecting your vitality and well-being, you might be fired up to start cultivating healthier habits. Then, from February 11 to March 2, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves through your spirituality zone, potentially compelling you to use technology (like a meditation app or streaming service) to explore what you’re picking up intuitively.
Then, February 18 ushers in your season, as the sun makes its way through your sign until March 20. As your confidence soars, you’ll feel like you’re stepping into the spotlight in a major way. Just two days after the sun moves, on February 20, you can take advantage of your annual, magical new moon. Consider those dreams that came to you over the past few weeks, and determine what might be worth crafting into a concrete goal you can happily work toward. And as a result of social Venus in your money zone from February 20 to March 16, platonic relationships could lead to new sources of income.