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In the midst of holiday madness, replete with parties, deadlines, exhausting travel, the winter solstice on December 21 will kick off the beginning of a whole new season — and energy. The official start of winter marks the beginning of the chilliest, quietest time of year that can feel like a welcome reprieve as it lends itself to reflection and stillness. After a year that was inevitably jammed with even more frenetic activity than usual, this could feel particularly jarring. But as the sun moves from jovial fire sign Sagittarius into industrious earth sign Capricorn, you may be inspired to get centered in order to get serious about your vision for the end of one year and beginning of the next.
As winter kicks off, Mars, the planet of action and energy, continues its retrograde, making it challenging to build momentum until January 12. It’s a case for hibernation and internal self-work over pushing fast and furious through a time tailored to rest. And the more you can embrace that, the more recharged and ready you’ll be to hit the ground running come mid-to-late January.
A few more key dates: From December 29 to January 18, Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn, urging the tying up of loose ends ahead of any resolution-setting you may intend to do for 2023. However, you’ll get a boost of energy on January 21 when an exciting, passion-fueling new moon in Aquarius harmonizes with Jupiter and Mars. Then, on the 22nd, Venus, the planet of love, will conjunct Saturn, the planet of commitment, in Aquarius, setting the stage for serious (perhaps DTR) talks and an amplified willingness to put in the work to achieve your love or artistic goals. On March 2, Venus pairs up with fortunate Jupiter in fiery Aries, marking one of the most romantic days of the year. The following week, on March 7, slow-moving taskmaster Saturn will shift into Pisces, kicking off a lengthy new phase of societal learning and growth — particularly tied to spirituality — until 2026.
Here are the restorative, motivating shifts you can expect this season, based on your zodiac sign. (Be sure to read your rising sign as well as your sun.)
Your long-term professional goals are very much on your mind this season, thanks to the confident sun, messenger Mercury, and social Venus all spending quality time in your career zone from the winter solstice into the new year. But with Mercury retrograde there from December 29 to January 18 — plus your ruling planet, assertive Mars, retrograde in your communication zone until January 12 — it’s tougher to gain traction. Take heart that by late January, you’ll begin to see the light. And around February 5, when the full moon falls in your self-expression sector, embracing creativity amplifies your confidence and ability to make your dreams a reality and to have a blast in the process.
Winter is generally a chance to challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone as the vitality-boosting sun makes its way through your adventure sector. And with your ruling planet, romantic Venus there, too, there’s no doubt you’ll be flirting with the idea of breaking free of the mundane — even if that just means trying a new workout routine or planning a weekend away. With Mercury retrograde in your higher learning sector from December 29 to January 18, honing previously mastered skills serves you better than exploring unfamiliar terrain. By January 22, when Venus pairs up with Saturn, the taskmaster planet, in your career zone, you could be ready to make professional strides that capitalize on what you’ve learned. And just ahead of the spring equinox, March 2’s meet-up between Venus and Jupiter in your dreams sector kicks off a whole new era of spiritual growth.
The hibernation vibes of winter tend to be out of sync with your super-social nature, and the planets aren’t exactly fueling your preferred level of busyness right now. Action-oriented Mars’ retrograde in your sign since the end of October continues to urge you to keep life on the low-key side until January 12. The season also presents an opportunity for you to bolster your nearest and dearest relationships and get comfier with emotional vulnerability, in great part because the confident sun is moving through your intimacy sector until January 20. Plus, with your ruler, messenger Mercury retrograde there from December 29 to January 18, slowing down and turning inward is the best way to take advantage of the first few weeks of 2023. By February 5, when the full moon in your communication zone hits, your calendar will be plenty packed, and March 2’s Venus-Jupiter meet-up in your friendship sector has you feeling especially grateful for your platonic bonds.
As the winter solstice begins, you can’t help but be drawn to more one-on-one activities and bonding time, because the confident sun and sweet Venus are spending time in your partnership sector. Mercury kicks off its retrograde there on December 29, which means that until January 18, you’ll be urged to revisit the drawing board to review and revise joint efforts. While this could initially feel like a setback, know that looking back ultimately makes it possible to plow forward. Around January 6, when your annual full moon strikes, prioritizing self-care can help you navigate particularly challenging emotions that come up. In fact, nurturing your sense of self through the season can lead to quite a bit of personal growth, particularly around the new moon in your higher learning sector on February 20 and romantic Venus’ meet-up with fortunate Jupiter in your public image zone on March 2.
Your ruler, the confident sun, moves through your wellness and daily routine sector from the winter solstice until January 20, inspiring you to bring even more balance into your everyday life. Blank planners, spreadsheets, and new organizational systems for your closet might all appeal more than usual, because they hold the promise of making your hectic schedule a bit more manageable. And during Mercury’s retrograde there from December 29 to January 18, returning to a mind-body regimen (like your yoga or meditation practice) that was previously back burnered can prove truly productive. Your annual full moon falls on February 5, during which you can take stock of — and celebrate — how far you’ve come with a passion project over the last six months. Then, Venus and Jupiter pair up in your adventure zone, magnifying your ability to broaden your horizons, ideally alongside loved ones.
With the vitality-bolstering sun moving through your romance and self-expression zone from the winter solstice until January 20, the tail-end of 2022 and kickoff of 2023 is often brimming with creative opportunities, pleasure, and fun. (Cue that TikTok-inspired wardrobe overhaul!) With Mercury, your ruler, retrograde there from December 20 to January 18, you may be drawn to retreading your footsteps in your love and creative life, whether that’s by recreating memorable dates or revising an artistic project. And trading concrete plans for more spontaneity serves you well. Around February 20, the new moon in your partnership zone signals the start of a new story for a one-on-one bond. And as romantic Venus and lucky Jupiter pair up in your intimacy sector on March 2, time dedicated to nurturing your closest connections proves healing and restorative.
The winter solstice — and the sun’s trip through your home sector — often marks a chance to cozy up with your loved ones more than usual and feather your nest. Venus, your ruling planet, will be there until January 2, as well, bringing you even more comfort from downtime with family and enjoying your favorite domestic pleasures. But from December 29 to January 18, messenger Mercury will be retrograde in the same zone, encouraging you to do inner work to heal old wounds related to your early life and to tie up loose ends related to any conflicts with loved ones. Emotional heavy lifting might not sound like the most enjoyable way to kick off a new year, but it’ll set you up for greater peace of mind in the long run. On January 22, Venus joins taskmaster Saturn in your romance zone, which is perfect for getting serious about an artistic or relationship goal. And on March 2, the planet of love meets up with Jupiter in your partnership sector, making for one of the most fulfilling and fortunate days for love all year.
After a super-intense autumn riddled with game-changing eclipses, wintertime could feel truly light and airy, especially with the sun moving through your communication sector from December 21 to January 20. Still, it bears noting that your co-ruler, go-getter Mars will continue its retrograde, making it tougher to move the ball forward in your intimate relationships until January 12. And messenger Mercury’s retrograde might also throw wrenches into plans with friends while cranking up the potential for glitchiness and delays from December 29 to January 18. Thankfully, by late January, you’ll enjoy smoother sailing, and the February 20 new moon in your romance sector can’t help but amplify optimism, creativity, and playfulness with your S.O., friends, or loved ones. The March 7 full moon in your networking sector can also bolster your desire — and ability — to connect with friends and colleagues.
With your birthday season now in the rearview, the sun shifts into your money zone on December 21, signaling a period in which you can begin to turn big picture aspirations into income. Venus, the planet of love but also money, will be there, too, which can step up your ability to connect with influential people who share your values. Just be conscious of the fact that messenger Mercury is retrograde in the same sector from December 29 to January 18, which makes it easier — and advisable — to address old business before tackling anything entirely shiny and new. By the February 5 full moon in your higher learning zone, you’ll be ready to fully usher in 2023 with a sense of adventure and intense craving to broaden your horizons. Look forward to March 2, as well, because your ruler, go-big-or-go-home Jupiter will join forces with sweet Venus in your romance zone, signaling a flood of abundance in love and artistic pursuits.
The winter solstice isn’t just a new season or chapter for you, Capricorn; it also marks the confident sun’s move into your sign and self-image zone, which can light a fire in your belly to make long held dreams concrete and real. Set your intentions around December 23 when the new moon falls in your sign, too. Just be aware that come December 29, messenger Mercury will be retrograde there until January 18, requiring an even slower, steadier approach than usual. Taking the time to tie up loose ends sets the stage for success down the road. On January 22, social Venus and taskmaster Saturn, your ruler, pair up in your money sector, and you could be ready to commit to working alongside a new business partner to strengthen your security. Personal growth gained by exploring uncharted waters might also be within reach come the March 7 full moon in your adventure zone.
When winter begins, the sun will be in your spirituality sector alongside Venus and Mercury, making for a sleepy but dreamy moment in which you can be super-intentional about planting seeds you’d like to see flourish down the road. With the planet of action, Mars, retrograde in your self-expression sector until January 12, it’s crucial to see where moments take you versus pushing for a set game plan. Messenger Mercury’s retrograde in your spirituality zone from December 29 to January 18 also sets a self-reflective tone. But come your season — which kicks off on January 20 and immediately offers up a new moon in your sign on the 21st — you’ll feel more awake, alive, and ready to manifest your vision. And when sweet Venus and taskmaster Saturn pair up in your sign on January 22, you may even be prepared to commit to a game plan for getting your aspiration across the finish line.
The winter solstice marks the start of the sun’s trip through your networking sector, and with social Venus there until January 2, your holidays are sure to be full of group hangs and opportunities to mix and mingle with valuable connections. Messenger Mercury does go retrograde there, as well, from December 29 to January 18, which could see you reconnecting with colleagues or friends from the past. Just know that as the trickster planet, not every chance reunion is a sign it’s time to pour your big heart, time, and energy into renewing that bond. On February 18, the sun moves into your sign, amplifying your confidence, and in the days around February 20, which marks your annual new moon, you can gain clarity on a powerful intention you want to work toward. Whether or not it has to do with earning, Venus and Jupiter’s meet-up in your money sector on March 2 may support your ability to align your work with your values.