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As the last month of the year kicks off, ushering in a festive, party-filled season, hosted by the sun in jovial Sagittarius, you’ll want to sweep out the past and tie up loose ends, make the most of the present, and look toward the future. And what better way to do that than harnessing the self-reflective power of the final full moon of 2022?
Falling on Wednesday, December 7 at 11:08 p.m. ET/8:08 p.m. PT in Gemini, the mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, this emotional moon can compel you to voice your most passionate, underlying feelings. In turn, you could feel prepared to lay ongoing resentment or hurt to rest and move into a new year feeling lighter emotionally and more centered.
The full moon in Gemini is buzzy and communicative.
Full moons — which happen when the confident sun exactly opposes the intuitive moon — always present a monthly opportunity to wrap up projects you started six months or even two weeks prior. They're culmination points, breaking points, and a chance to release anything that's no longer serving you. And with this month's full moon falling in inquisitive, super-social Gemini, you’ll be nudged to function on a super-cerebral level. Anticipate an onslaught of information — and emotions — which may very well go hand-in-hand. The best way to process it all, of course, is in true Gemini fashion, doing your best to not only speak but listen.
And because Gemini is fascinated with and happy to entertain every last bit of info coming their way, you may want to be particularly discriminating when deciding what to focus on. You could find yourself heading down one emotional rabbit hole and then the next only to realize it’s the third or fourth thing you stumble on that’s actually at the heart of the issue. Again, leaning on Mercury, the ruler of this moon, and talking it all out with a trusted confidant can help you acknowledge all the details and then zero in on what’s most worthy of your time and mental energy.
The moon pairs up with Mars, which is currently retrograde, bringing your most fiery feelings to the surface.
The full moon falls at 16 degrees Gemini at the same exact time that Mars, the planet of aggression, anger, action, energy, and sex, is backtracking over that same degree of the air sign. (Think back to September 20-ish for a sense of how it was affecting you while it moved direct over that point.) Paired up with this chatty full moon, Mars can unearth and inspire you to initiate conversations tied to difficult emotions that have been brushed under the rug. Think: the more frustrated iterations of anger, such as passive-aggressiveness, resentment, and discontent, all of which have a way of bubbling under the surface when Mars is retrograde.
You may even surprise yourself with how suddenly — and fiercely — you express previously repressed feelings.
So whether you’ve felt limited in some way by a higher-up, pissed that your partner isn’t pulling their weight, or fed up with a toxic friendship, you’ll be more inclined to address that issue head-on now.
Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini energy can run hot and cold and turn on a dime, so you may even surprise yourself with how suddenly — and fiercely — you express previously repressed feelings.
Relationship-oriented Venus will be approaching a square to expansive Jupiter.
As if it wasn’t already clear that this full moon is all about clearing the air with a S.O., friend, colleague, or loved one, consider the fact that on Friday, December 9, the planet of relationships, Venus, will square off against magnifying Jupiter. The largest planet in our solar system has a way of amplifying everything it comes in contact with, and in this case, it could certainly boost prospects for a fun-filled weekend. But it is forming a square to harmony-loving Venus, which could only serve to underline existing tensions and tempt you to party too hard or overcommit and end up getting burned out in an effort to cope with this week’s challenging emotional terrain. That said, it might be best to use the power of Mars to contend with conflict head-on earlier in the week.
Here, how this Gemini full moon will affect you, based on your sign. (Pro-tip: Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign, if you know it. If you don't, you can find it on your natal chart or via this CafeAstrology calculator.)
With the full moon lighting up your third house of communication and paired up with your ruler, go-getter Mars, you’ll want to talk through underlying tensions with a friend — or possibly even sibling — with whom you’ve been butting heads.
With the full moon falling in your second house of income, it’s time to face an ongoing dispute on the job, perhaps around how much you’ve been earning for what you bring to the table.
With the full moon falling in your sign and paired up with aggressive Mars, you’ll be fired up to stand up for a passion project or another issue close to your heart. Ensure you’re grounded in your sense of self as you say your piece.
Falling in your twelfth house of spirituality, this full moon was made for taking a time-out to reset, recharge, and get clear on your next steps to hitting a long-term goal. If you’re tempted to cruise right through this moment without any sort of pitstop whatsoever, know that lack of self-care could fuel resentment.
The full moon falls in your eleventh house of networking, bringing up feelings around being a team player and contributing to a big picture goal alongside peers, colleagues, and friends. If you’ve been frustrated that you’re not on the same page, it’s time to speak up.
Falling in your tenth house of career, you’re likely at an exciting culmination point professionally — and itching for recognition for your efforts. Though you might be tempted to put off sharing what’s on your mind, speaking up for yourself now can preempt stress you don’t need to deal with through the holiday season.
Because this full moon is in your ninth house of adventure, you’ll be feeling a bit restless and agitated, potentially feeling a bit stuck. Sharing how you feel with your nearest and dearest can lead to productive brainstorms.
With the full moon in your eighth house of emotional bonds and joint resources, you’ll need to talk to your S.O. or a loved one about what makes you feel most secure and comfortable, perhaps in terms of your sex life or shared financial responsibilities.
Because the full moon is in your seventh house of partnership, you’ll become especially aware of reciprocity in your one-on-one relationships — or the lack thereof. Whether you’ve been falling short or they have, you’ll be prodded now to talk it through.
With this full moon falling in your sixth house of wellness and daily routine, you’ll be motivated to get more organized and balanced in your day-to-day. Hit pause on your usual pragmatism and feel free to vent about anything you feel has been holding you back.
Falling in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, you might be aggravated if you can’t break free from work to have a little more fun now. It’s OK to do what’s best for you versus the group now — and particularly to give voice to your innermost needs.
This month’s full moon falls in your fourth house of home life, compelling you to find a way to strike a better balance between work and personal commitments. Talking through how to set new boundaries in either area of your life may be a wonderful first step.