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As hard as it is to believe, the final month of 2022 has arrived, and with it, all the busyness and merriment of the holiday season. From reveling in festive get-togethers with friends and beloved family traditions to scrambling to hit deadlines and tie up any and all possible loose ends before the end of the year, December is arguably one of the most chaotic — but also completely magical — months of the year. And you can most certainly thank the month’s astrological co-hosts — joyful Sagittarius and hardworking Capricorn — for that vibe.
Until December 21, the sun moves through mutable fire sign Sagittarius, which, ruled by go-big-or-go-home Jupiter, is optimistic, exuberant, adventurous, thoroughly unfiltered, and capable of making even the most mundane moment a bit more entertaining. And from December 21 through January 20, the vitality-bringing luminary travels through cardinal earth sign Capricorn, ruled by taskmaster Saturn, which is pragmatic, industrious, and results-oriented. The bridge between these two signs can’t help but inspire and motivate you.
Still, the holiday season wouldn’t be complete without a little drama, right? That’s why it’s no surprise that as December kicks off, both Mercury and Venus in outspoken Sagittarius will square off against rational thought-clouding Neptune and magnifying Jupiter in sensitive Pisces, potentially making it tough to tease out what’s real and what’s imagined — or exaggerated. And this will happen in the days leading up to the final full moon of the year, landing in super-communicative Gemini. It’ll be tough to brush unresolved issues under the rug now, and that’s probably a good thing. It’s time to give voice to old wounds in order to heal ahead of the new year.
And once the full moon rolls through, Venus moves into Capricorn on December 9, bringing a more traditional, grounded vibe to relationships, money, and beauty until January 2.
On December 20, Jupiter re-enters Aries, where it last spent time from May 10 to October 28, amplifying more impulsive, competitive, and — yes, occasionally aggressive — energy until May 16, 2023. So when the new moon in Capricorn rolls in on December 23, you may be fired up to set an ambitious intention.
Just prepare for a bit of a slow start when it comes to getting your game plan off the ground, because on December 29, Mercury enters its fourth (yup) and last retrograde of the year, which will urge you to slow down, reflect, and tend to unfinished business over shiny new endeavors until January 18. That said, though we tend to think we need to hit the ground running come January 2, December’s astrology encourages you to live in the moment and indulge in a bit of rear view mirror gazing before diving head first into a whole new year. (Be sure to read your rising sign as well as your sun.)
The confident sun’s been moving through your adventure zone since November 22, inspiring you to expand your horizons and trust your gut even more than usual. But while renewing your passport and jumping on the next flight to a faraway destination might sound absolutely amazing, your ruler, action-oriented Mars, continues to move backward through your communication zone until January 12, so making and following through on travel plans might be a bit more challenging than you’d like. Around December 7, when the full moon falls in your communication zone, too, you could be having a lot of feelings around just how annoyingly challenging it is to even make a weekend getaway happen. And yet, you could be completely burned out. If this rings true, it’s a sign to take a time-out from your many social commitments and to prioritize self-care — even if that’s just by going for a run instead of meeting up with friends for happy hour or going out to eat instead of having family over.
Relationship-oriented Venus moves through your professional sector from December 9 to January 2, amplifying your charm and magnetism when you’re pursuing big picture goals. This can be a productive moment for laying out your long-term vision with a higher-up or career coach. On December 20, Jupiter, the planet of luck, re-enters your sign. Think back to the summer for a sense of what themes might recur from now until May 16, 2023. Your self-image and how you want to be presenting yourself out in the world is no doubt a major focus, and you’ve got a clear runway to make your vision a reality.
Let’s be real: You haven’t been cruising on the calmest seas recently. Change and transformation have been unavoidable, given that the most recent eclipses hit your sign and partnership sector. But you’re also making major strides when it comes to nurturing your closest bonds, thanks to the sun’s trip through your intimacy zone since November 22. And as December kicks off, you’ll be tackling financial matters as well. Your ruling planet, sweet Venus, opposes Mars in your money zone on December 1, requiring you to consider your S.O. or a loved one’s position — and comfort level. The same day, Venus forms a friendly sextile to taskmaster Saturn in your career sector, which could lead to an exciting professional opportunity — as long as you’re willing to put in the work. And in the days around December 7, when the full moon falls in your money sector, you’ll be compelled to open up about what you need to stick with your current income-generating game plan.
But December isn’t only about your cash flow, Taurus. Venus moves through your adventure sector from December 9 to January 2, which can crank up your desire to get out of your usual routine. Even if you’re just researching a future long-distance trip or an educational program you’d like to take in the coming months, you’ll feel motivated and more connected to friends and colleagues who are on the same page. The sun’s trip through the same sector from December 21 to January 20 and the new moon there on December 23 is bound to add even more fuel to this fire. Just be sure to double-check all the details and watch out for misunderstandings and slowdowns once messenger Mercury is retrograde from December 29 to January 18.
You’re pretty much always busy and flitting from one hang to the next, but you’ve been even more social than usual, given that Sagittarius season is in full swing. That’s because the confident sun has been moving through your partnership sector, highlighting your one-on-one bonds. In fact, although group get-togethers are always on your radar, spending time with just your S.O. or just your bestie or closest loved one, etc. probably feels especially comforting and fun now. Still, action-oriented Mars continues its retrograde through your sign this month, so if you’re feeling a little low on energy at times, give yourself a breather. You’ll get the impression that it would be particularly wise in the days around December 7 when the full moon falls in your sign, and you’ll be feeling extra emotionally sensitive. The best thing you can do is give yourself plenty of time and space to work through whatever’s coming up for you now.
On December 20, expansive Jupiter moves into your networking sector where it last spent time from May 10 and October 28. Group projects and collaborations with your community are likely to be a major focus from now until May 16. And because this sector also involves long-term wishes, you could see exciting progress on those too. Just know that it’s possible your greatest hopes will take a bit of time to fully manifest, especially with your ruling planet, messenger Mercury moving backward a fourth and final time this year, in your intimacy zone, from December 29 to January 18. Tending to your heart’s desires could take precedence over pushing the ball forward on a team effort.
For the past couple of weeks, the sun’s trip through Sagittarius, which lasts until December 21, has activated your wellness sector, pulling your focus toward stepping up your organizational skills and bolstering work-life balance. You’ve likely been in a good flow, and overall, 2022’s final act will enhance that feeling — as long as you’re up for plenty of self-reflection and pairing up. The full moon on December 7, which falls in your spirituality zone, may emphasize any burnout you’ve been dealing with — while also stimulating your imagination. For that reason, you’ll do well to step back from your everyday hustle and take the time to care for your mental and emotional well-being. Because the moon falls in Mercury-ruled Gemini and Mercury will be in your partnership zone, talking through whatever’s coming up for you — with your therapist or a close confidant — can prove enlightening.
Any time spent focusing on one-on-one relationships this month will be super-productive, especially once Venus enters your partnership sector on December 9, where it remains until January 2. If you’ve been wanting to tackle a big picture aspiration, find an accountability buddy in a dear friend or lean on your S.O. And dreaming bigger in terms of professional goals is a must, too, once expansive Jupiter moves into your career zone on December 20 — a transit that will last until May 16. Just know that the results you’re envisioning may take a while to be noticeable, thanks to messenger Mercury’s retrograde nudging you to tie up loose ends alongside a colleague or partner from December 29 to January 18.
Your ruler, the confident sun, has been moving through your romance and self-expression zone since November 22, which has made the last couple of weeks especially fun-filled and brimming with more pleasure, creativity, and spontaneity. It’s like you haven’t even had to try to have a good time, which is pretty much a dream come true for you. And it’s more than well-deserved coming off of a rough eclipse season that tested your work-life balance. While festive vibes continue through this month, you’ll also be tending to those day-to-day details that keep you firing on all cylinders. You’ll want to identify which friends and colleagues you can actually lean on to support your long-term wishes around December 7 when the full moon falls in your networking sector. This lunation could illuminate the truth about a particular group of friends or colleagues you’ve been a part of. Though it can be tough to break long standing bonds — especially for you, as the fixed fire sign — walking away could offer a major sense of relief and create space for more genuine connections.
In fact, Venus’ move through your wellness sector from December 9 to January 2 might inspire you to get more social while sticking to your health routine, whether that’s by inviting a friend on a hike or planning to hit up a new fitness studio for happy hour with coworkers. The confident sun’s journey into the same zone on December 21, which lasts until January 20, only serves to magnify this energy. And once expansive Jupiter moves back into your adventure zone on December 20, where it’ll remain until May 16, you’ll be fired up to be bolder across the board, whether by trying a different workout or researching and considering booking a thrilling wellness retreat.
With Sag season throwing the spotlight on all things domestic, thanks to the sun’s trip through your home zone since November 22, you’ve likely been more of a homebody than usual. (Ok, sure, it doesn’t help that it’s pitch black outside at 4 p.m.!) There’s a lot to adore about spending more time connecting with your loved ones, but you’ve probably also been navigating some emotionally rocky terrain, too. And as December kicks off, that focus is magnified by both Venus, the relationship planet, and Mercury, the communication planet, in your home zone squaring off against expansive Jupiter and dreamy Neptune in your partnership sector. It can be tough to fact-check when you’re in the midst of family drama, so taking a step back to just let the dust settle may be your safest, smartest bet.
Around December 7, the full moon falls in your tenth house of career, lighting up your desire to be recognized for putting your nose to the grindstone. Speak up and make that case for yourself. No doubt you've done your research and are more than prepared! Prepare for a lighter, more fun-loving vibe to set in, particularly as sweet Venus moves through your romance and self-expression zone from December 9 to January 2. Though you may have a bazillion deadlines to hit, prioritizing pleasure and embracing spontaneity can be emotionally satisfying and even creatively fulfilling. And as we move even closer to ringing in a new year, Mercury, your ruler, will go retrograde in that same sector, which might inspire you to go back to the drawing board to revise an artistic project or recreate heartfelt memories with loved ones.
While the confident sun has been moving through your communication sector since November 22, you’ve been even more social than usual. (Yes, somehow that’s entirely possible!) You adore being busy and hosting all the parties you possibly can, so this is surely one of your favorite seasons of the year, but just keep an eye out for any signs of burnout, because even if you’re having fun, a calendar that’s busting at the seams can still be overwhelming. And when you do slow down, likely around the full moon in your higher learning zone on December 7, you have the opportunity to do a gut check and decide to move in an exciting new direction, perhaps picking up new skills in order to later advance your career.
Another turning point that could nudge you to take a breather: Your ruling planet, relationship-oriented Venus, slips into your home zone on December 9, where it’ll crank up your desire to cozy up at home until January 2. Somehow, catching up with an old friend over a glass of wine on the couch or staying in with your S.O. might be more satisfying than being out and about. And one-on-one bonding time is also spotlit once fortunate Jupiter moves into your partnership sector on December 20 where it remains until May 16. Think back to last summer for a sense of the lessons, themes, and undertakings that could be a focus once more.
The sun’s trip through your money zone has been in play since November 22, and in turn, you’ve been further developing your self-worth and plotting out how you plan to elevate your earning potential. You want to be aligned with business partners who not only know your value but are in sync with your values. But as December begins, both Mercury and Venus in your income sector will square off against Jupiter and Neptune in your creativity zone, and you might be questioning whether your current moneymaking plan is compromising your self-expression. Know that the truth isn’t immediately apparent, so you’ll do well to take plenty of time to explore these questions. Around December 7, when the full moon falls in your intimacy zone, you’ll be navigating a challenge related to joint resources and discussing how you and a partner can best nurture a sense of security.
Then, as relationship-oriented Venus moves into your communication sector, joining Mercury and kicking off Cap season ahead of the sun’s arrival on December 21, you’ll be connecting with friends, neighbors, and siblings more than usual. Your curiosity soars, and you’ll crave more intellectual stimulation, so consider finding ways to socialize and learn, like taking a cooking class with loved ones or getting tickets to a thought-provoking show. And for the first time since late October, Jupiter, the planet of fortune and abundance, heads back into your wellness and daily routine sector on December 20, which could inspire you to experiment with an ambitious new workout plan or organizational system that’ll enhance your time management. But when Mercury moves backward through your communication zone from December 29 to January 18, deep breaths and a sense of humor can preempt frustration when tech glitches and misunderstandings abound.
Your season is in full swing, Sagittarius, which means you’re in the midst of going to bat for your passion projects and daydreaming about how you can take your greatest ambitions to the next level. You could hit a few bumps in the road as December rolls in, thanks to Mercury and Venus in your sign squaring off against Jupiter and Neptune in your home zone. Consider how old emotional wounds might be affecting how you’re tackling present day challenges — with loved ones or even in your career. A little bit of inner work can offer a great deal of clarity. The December 7 full moon in your partnership sector is another opportunity to strengthen your sense of self as you consider how you’re showing up for your closest connections — and how they’re showing up for you.
Checking in with yourself in these ways might feel like homework you just don’t have the bandwidth for at the moment, but it can actually come in handy as Capricorn season rolls in, illuminating your income and self-worth sector. On December 9, Venus, the planet of relationships and values, will move into your money zone, lighting up your desire to network and use your social charms to explore new avenues for earning. Whether you’re touching base with a friend from college or former colleague, stating what you want and how you plan to get there may be the first step toward manifesting it. Just know that with Mercury retrograde there from December 29 to January 18, ensuring your financial ducks are in a row preps you for even more growth in the coming months.
The sun’s trip through your spirituality zone since November 22 has likely made you feel like you’re running through mud at times, because it’s one of the sleepiest times of year for you. Oh, and it doesn’t help that go-getter Mars has been retrograde in your daily routine and health sector. For that reason, you really deserve even more of a pat on the back for staying on top of work-life balance and prioritizing self-care. Remember this when the full moon falls in your wellness zone on December 7. You might worry that you haven’t made the progress you’ve been aiming for, but you’re right on track. Soon thereafter, once relationship-ruling Venus moves into your sign on December 7 where it remains until January 2, you’ll feel like you’re stepping into the limelight after hanging out backstage. From more spontaneous get-togethers with friends to romantic moments with someone special, Venus’ time in your sign brings a lighter, airier, more pleasurable vibe in which you’re empowered to hit pause on work and be in the moment.
From December 21 to January 20, the confident sun rolls through your sign, amplifying this feel-good tone and enhancing your self-image and making you feel more self-assured. Even if everyone’s OOO, you might be motivated to finesse that game plan you want to pitch in the new year. With Mercury’s last retrograde of the year running from December 29 to January 18, in your sign, tending to unfinished projects now could be the key to major success down the road.
With the confident sun and several other planets in your networking zone since last month, you’ve been immersed in team efforts, tending to your platonic bonds, and showing up for your community. All of these activities are in line with your innate M.O., so chances are you’re feeling pretty damn good as December kicks off — especially considering that eclipse season put you through the ringer with career-related changes and challenging emotional terrain. Around December 7, the full moon falls in your romance and self-expression zone, which serves as a green light to trust your heart and own your voice. You’re rarely one to stick to the rules, but now, you’re particularly motivated to strike out on your own and speak up when it comes to an artistic project or relationship that’s not quite in line with your needs.
Then, you’ll do well to start thinking about the seeds you want to plant. On December 9, sweet Venus, the planet of relationships, moves into your spirituality zone, and the sun follows on December 21. Capricorn season, falling just ahead of your own season, tends to be a quiet, self-reflective moment for you. Even if you have social commitments galore, you owe it to yourself to carve out solo time. Meditating, journaling, or enjoying similar rituals will help you get clear on what you want to leave behind and what you’re ready to embrace. While messenger Mercury is retrograde in the same zone from December 29 to January 18, slowing down and focusing on healing anything that’s been holding you back sets you up for an especially healthy, happy new year.
While everyone else is planning holiday parties and experimenting with their winter wardrobe, you could be drowning in to-dos related to your career goals, thanks to a ton of activity in your public image sector since last month. Sagittarius season throws the spotlight on your professional path, and no one could fault you for wanting to take advantage of opportunities you’ve been presented with lately. But you’ll do well to take a step back and assess what’s truly worth your energy and what might be OK to let fall by the wayside, particularly around December 7 when the full moon falls in your home zone. You could feel torn between putting your nose to the grindstone on projects that will earn you the recognition you seek and pressing matters at home. Tapping into your intuition allows you to navigate these rocky waters.
Friends and colleagues can also be a major saving grace and offer their support, especially once relationship-ruling Venus travels through your networking sector from December 9 to January 2. Leaning on groups and teams who are aligned with your long-term vision has you feeling more connected and grounded. On December 20, lucky Jupiter exits your sign and moves into your money zone for the first time since late October. You can look forward to more opportunities for earning and shoring up your self-worth, which could lead to being rewarded accordingly for your efforts. Be aware that Mercury will be retrograde in your long-term wishes sector from December 29 to January 18, so your vision could take a bit longer than expected to come together — but it’ll be worth waiting for.