Welcome to our fall issue! For me, autumn signals new beginnings: Whether it’s the back to school vibes or the looming cooler temps, the change in season always inspires not only a change in wardrobe (hello, coats! Missed you, tights!), but also a shift in mindset. It's a moment to take stock of where you are and what direction you want to go. And that’s just one reason why Anitta — an artist fresh off a big VMAs win, with new music and global megastardom on the horizon — is the perfect cover star for our fall fashion issue.
In our feature, the Brazilian singer, whose real name is Larissa de Macedo Machado, shares the origin story of Anitta, the character — the alter-ego she puts on like a suit of armor to protect the shyer, more vulnerable Larissa — and whether she might want to, eventually, peel back the persona, put away the metal bustier, and just let Larissa live. “It's like two different humans in one body,” she tells writer Ilana Kaplan of playing this role while also being herself. As her two selves evolve, what does the future look like for Anitta and what does it mean for her explosive music career?
Elsewhere in the issue we explore that shifting mood through the lens of fashion, celebrating the big fall trends that we're getting behind. From red, red, red everything to expertly layering your bags (the ones you lug and love) to predicting which Ugly Shoe you'll soon see everywhere, there is endless inspo to be had.
I hope you enjoy this issue (and a special thanks to Pandora for powering these stories) and find something that makes you feel excited about where you, and perhaps even your alter-ego, is headed this season.
Wrist Candy
Not since the great “arm party” trend of 2017 have wrists had a brighter moment in the fashion spotlight. Between the explosion of lyric-emblazoned friendship bracelets traded at the Eras Tour and the Wonder Woman–worthy cuffs labels like Saint Laurent and Alaïa sent down the runway last February, this fall is set to be quite the cuffing season, indeed. Whether you favor a high-low mix (Swiftie-style homemade beaded strands alongside high-end staples like the Cartier Love bracelet) or prefer uniformity in your stacks, one thing’s for sure: the more, the merrier.
Photo: Getty Images