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Upon ushering in autumn, Libra season is supposed to bring us more harmony, beauty, balance, and bliss in our partnerships. As the confident sun moves through a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of art, it’s hard not to feel like you’ve been given a gorgeous blank canvas on which you can paint your vision for a whole new season. But this year, at least for the first half of it, thanks to Mercury’s third retrograde of the year, Libra season has been more about dealing with the past than moving full speed ahead into the future.
So if you’ve been waiting to hit the gas on planning an event, making a major career move, or hoping that a relationship might take a productive turn, you can take heart in the fact that October’s astrology tells a story of movement and change — and not just in terms of emerald leaves morphing into fiery hues.
The first full month of fall kicks off with Mercury going direct on October 2, moving forward through detail-oriented Virgo once more until October 10 when it continues on into diplomatic Libra until the 29th. In other words, the Scales’ focus on partnerships, beauty, and values will certainly continue days into Scorpio season, which will officially begin on October 23, setting an ethereal, emotionally-charged, and sensual tone that was made for hosting Halloween, Día de Muertos, and the third and fourth game-changing eclipses of the year. The first of which, a solar eclipse in Scorpio, falls on October 25, cozying up to Venus, the planet of love, and potentially deepening — or shattering — bonds, depending on just how fit they are for a future that’s undeniable this month.
With eclipse season happening in fixed signs — not only Scorpio, but Taurus come November 8 — change is a tougher pill to swallow than usual, but to make the most of October, you’ll do best to embrace your intuition and shifts you never saw coming. (Be sure to read your rising sign as well as your sun.)
While the sun has been in your partnership zone since September 22, you’ve been nudged to work one-on-one with your closest friends, loved ones, and colleagues. And yet, you might feel like you’ve been stuck in reverse on these joint endeavors, thanks to Mercury moving backward through that same zone as well as your daily routine and health sector. Thankfully, on October 2, Mercury retrograde ends, and you can finally begin to gain traction once more. Just don’t be surprised if a few days later, around October 9, you feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you a bit, thanks to your annual full moon. You want to focus on moving the ball forward, but taking time to acknowledge and work through deep-rooted emotions now can make you even more productive in the long-haul.
On the 12th, your ruler, go-getter Mars in your communication zone forms a tense but activating square to Neptune, the planet of dreams, in your spirituality sector, which could cloud interactions and cause you to question what’s real from what’s imagined. Take note of whatever goes down around this day, as Mars’ retrograde, kicking off at the end of the month, will cause deja-vu around November 19. And around October 25, the solar eclipse and new moon in your emotional bonds and joint resources zone shakes up how you want to connect with others — possibly intimately (is it time to try something new in the bedroom?) or in terms of how you’re tackling shared financial endeavors.
For the past couple of weeks, you’ve been laser-focused on ticking off your to-dos and making your wellness a priority, thanks to the confident sun moving through your daily routine and health sector. Tackling these goals at a slow, steady pace is your M.O. anytime, so Mercury’s retrograde probably hasn’t been too big of a hindrance for you, but once it’s over and the messenger planet zips through your health sector from October 10 to 29, you may find it even easier to hit those workout classes you’ve been hoping to check out and feel like you’re in more of a flow with your everyday routine. But it’ll be crucial to take a step back to care for your psychological well-being, too, especially around the 9th when the full moon lands in your spirituality zone, nudging you to indulge in a little bit of solo time and self-reflection.
Mid-month hosts a couple super-sweet meet-ups for your ruler, Venus, the planet of values and beauty, as it moves through your wellness sector. On the 14th, it forms a sweet trine to serious, commitment-loving Saturn in your career zone, which could set you up for strides in your professional life, and on the 18th, it’ll harmonize with go-getter Mars in your money zone, potentially bringing a creative vision in sync with an investment or cash flow-boosting op. Then, around October 25’s solar eclipse and new moon in your partnership zone, your one-on-one relationships will come into focus. It’s time to look at how you’re showing up for yourself — and for others — and considering how you can bolster reciprocity and balance within these bonds.
Libra season lights up your romance and self-expression sector, making this a particularly playful, creative, and pleasure-filled time of year for you, but with Mercury, your ruler, moving backward through that zone and your home sector as of late, chances are things have been a bit haywire, too. Thankfully, the messenger planet goes direct on October 2, which should make for less miscommunication with loved ones and less glitchy chaos in general. That should come in handy around the 9th when the full moon falls in your networking zone, amplifying your desire to feel connected to a group of friends or colleagues and a part of a community. Diving into a collaborative effort could feel especially satisfying in the days around the first lunar event of the month.
As Scorpio season kicks off on October 23, lasting through November 22, your focus will turn to caring for your wellness and making sure your daily routine is supporting your health and big picture goals. The solar eclipse and new moon there on the 25th could deliver a wake-up call around what you need to feel more balanced — and emotionally fulfilled — in your work or in terms of self-care. And that’s not all the drama that the tail end of the month has in store. On the 30th, Mars, the planet of energy, begins its retrograde in your sign, which goes until January 12. Going slow is far from your M.O., but during this period, you’ll be encouraged to reassess how you’re taking action on your passion projects — ideally, so that you can be even more successful down the road.
Since September 22, the sun has been moving through your home zone, turning your attention to your inner life and domestic world. Maybe you’ve been spending more time with loved ones or finessing your game plan for saving up to buy a home, but either way, Mercury’s retrograde there — and in your communication zone — has kept your eyes on the rear view more than you’d like. As it moves forward on October 2, you’ll find researching, brainstorming, and socializing comes more naturally and can help support your goals. And speaking of goals, your professional aspirations will likely be on your mind around the 9th when your ruler, the intuitive moon, is full in your career sector. You might have a chance to step into the spotlight and claim more responsibility or pitch a thrilling undertaking.
While you might be working hard to achieve a big picture goal, you’re due for plenty of pleasure and playfulness during Scorpio season. On the 23rd, the sun and Venus both move into your romance and self-expression zone, stepping up your desire to let go of concrete plans and see where the moment takes you. You’ll be more flirtatious — and spontaneous — than usual. And around October 25, when the solar eclipse and new moon lands there, your desire to stay true to your inner voice might reach a fever pitch. Any kind of shift that needs to happen to satisfy your heart is worth exploring.
As the sun has been moving through your communication zone, you’ve been fired up to connect with friends, say “yes” to short-distance trips and event invites, and generally, see and be seen. But Mercury’s retrograde there and in your income zone has probably been a bit of a buzzkill, causing you to grapple with slowdowns and anxiety potentially stemming from money matters. The good news: It goes direct on October 2, and finally, held-up payments should go through, and you can finally schedule calls that may boost your cash flow — or perhaps help you save. Being so focused on this area of life can have you feeling like shaking things up, and you’ll feel especially fired up to get out of your comfort zone around the 9th when the full moon is in your adventure and higher-learning sector. This can be an especially productive moment for tuning into your gut and taking a leap of faith.
One of the sweetest days of the year — especially for you, because it involves your ruler, the sun — falls just ahead of Scorpio season, on the 22nd, when the luminary pairs up with Venus, the planet of beauty and love, in your communication sector, which could mark a crucial conversation with a friend or loved one. In fact, this time of year was made for being clear about your needs and understanding others’ as well, and around the 25th, the solar eclipse and new moon in your home zone could be a particularly emotional one. You’ll want to make moves that boost your sense of security, comfort, and family.
Because messenger Mercury is your ruling planet, you feel its retrogrades more than most (with the exception of Geminis), but this particular backspin was probably even more of a doozy for you, as it moved back through your sign since September 23. But with it going direct on October 2, you’ll finally start to feel like you can gain traction on heartfelt aspirations and other endeavors that are tied to how you want to show up — and be seen — in the world. And applying lessons you’ve learned over the past three weeks (perhaps related to what you really want to pour your energy into — and what you don’t) can set you up for even more success. Then, around the 9th, the full moon in your intimacy zone can be a chance to set stricter boundaries that will protect your emotional energy.
And if you thought your mental energy was already high while your key planet was retrograde in your sign, just wait for Scorpio season. The sun and Venus move into your communication zone from October 23 to mid-November, filling your calendar. This can be a super-buzzy time of the year in which your curiosity and desire to connect is off-the-charts. Around the 25th, the solar eclipse and new moon there prompts you to tune even further into your intellectual needs. It might be satisfying to learn something new or prioritize out of the ordinary experiences with friends. And from the 30th to January 12, Mars, the planet of action and energy, will be retrograde in your career zone, slowing up efforts to move big picture plans forward but also helping you gain clarity on what those plans should look like in the first place.
Your season has been in full swing since September 22 but creating momentum on major plans has likely been more challenging than usual, thanks to Mercury’s retrograde, which happened in your sign and spirituality zone. October should feel like a huge breath of fresh air, because on the 2nd, Mercury moves forward and by the 10th, it’ll be back in your sign, bolstering your ability to articulate your dreams. Just be sure not to discount the power of the slowdown you just experienced. It’s possible it led you to tie up loose ends and have productive breakthroughs that’ll make it even easier to move the ball forward now. And, per usual, being that you prefer to pair up, you’ll want to pursue goals alongside a loved one, friend, or S.O. Around the 9th, the full moon lands in your partnership zone, shedding light on the one-on-one alliances that are working for you — and those that might need rebalancing.
Once the sun moves through your sign from September 22 to October 23, you'll enjoy a surge of confidence that supports your ability to turn any passionate vision into a reality. Even though Mercury is retrograde, you could gain quite a bit of clarity on the path ahead. Around September 25, be sure to take advantage of your annual new moon by setting a powerful intention and taking even one significant step toward your ideal future.
October might open with an emphasis on lighthearted, social, balance-seeking Libra energy, but it closes with your season, which was made for bolstering intimacy and tuning into deep-rooted emotion, and you’re no doubt feeling that tide turning as soon as the calendar page flips. Last month’s Mercury retrograde through your spirituality zone and networking sector has required you to do some soul searching around the groups you associate with and what you want in your heart of hearts but might feel challenged to make a reality right now. As the messenger planet moves forward on October 2, you’ll start to feel like you can take maybe even just small steps toward that more spiritually-satisfying future you envision. And around the 9th, the full moon in your routine and wellness zone urges you to explore new ways to care for yourself on a day-to-day basis, which could actually support that long-term vision.
As the sun and Venus shift into your sign on the 23rd, you’ll begin to feel even more in your element. The world’s speaking your language now, which can’t help but boost your confidence. Around the 25th, the first lunar event of the second eclipse season of the year falls in your sign. This solar eclipse and new moon can be a wake-up call that it’s time to expand your horizons, push for personal growth, and move beyond self-limiting beliefs. On the 30th, your co-ruler, go-getter Mars, kicks off its retrograde in your intimacy sector, encouraging you to do inner work related to your closest relationships until January 12.
The sun’s trip through your networking zone through the latter half of September has probably magnified your appetite for hanging with friends, working alongside colleagues, and generally being a vibrant part of any team effort. But Mercury’s retrograde there and in your career zone has likely made it a bit more challenging than you’d like to see the results of these collaborations. Or perhaps you’ve been so focused on finishing up a previously-started project that it’s been tough to dive into something new. As the messenger planet moves forward on October 2, it’ll be less stressful to go to bat for your professional dreams and, from the 10th to 29th, join forces with friends and colleagues who get your vision. More good news comes in the form of the full moon on the 9th, which falls in your romance and self-expression zone, encouraging you to hit pause on putting your nose to the grindstone in order to prioritize pleasure, fun, and creative pursuits.
The latter half of the month can’t help but feel a bit sleepier, thanks to the sun and Venus moving through your spirituality zone from the 23rd until mid-November. Solo time feels restorative, your dreams will be more vivid, and you may be even more drawn to activities like meditation, yoga, and journaling than usual. And leaning on loved ones and a cozy home life could nurture your emotional well-being too, especially as your ruler, lucky Jupiter, which has been retrograde since July 28, moves backward into your home zone from the 28th to December 20, offering up abundance and more introspection around family life.
You’re always fired up to step into the leadership positions and do what you need to do to earn recognition from higher-ups, but with the confident sun in your public image sector since September 22, your desire to achieve has been especially amplified. But Mercury’s retrograde there and in your higher learning zone might have put a damper on your efforts to see forward movement (like that promotion, raise, or signed-on-the-dotted-line deal with a client). As of October 2, you’ll begin to gain traction, thanks to Mercury going direct, and as a bonus, the skills you’ve honed over the course of the retrograde should come in handy. Just about a week later, around the 9th, when the full moon is in your home zone, you may feel compelled to make changes on the job that bolster your work-life balance. Or it could be a powerful opportunity to work through emotional issues that you now realize you’ve been brushing under the rug for far too long.
The sun’s shift into Scorpio occurs on the 23rd — the same day Venus moves, as well — and both light up your networking zone, nudging you to find more joy and fulfillment through collaboration. You’ll want to work with friends or colleagues not just to cross a particular finish line but to feel more connected and foster a sense of community. The 30th marks the start of Mars’ retrograde in your wellness and daily routine zone, and until January 12, slowing down and putting your health and well-being first can keep you firing on all cylinders.
You’re pretty much always up for getting out of your comfort zone and going against the tide, but the sun’s shift into your adventure zone last month likely took that innate restlessness to a whole new level, as it does every year. Still, Mercury’s retrograde there and in your joint resources sector might have required that you hit the books or rethink your budget instead of hop aboard that long-distance flight you’ve been dreaming of. But October 2 marks the messenger planet’s direct turn, so you can finally start making plans while likely feeling more prepared and centered emotionally than you may have been last month. Around the 9th, when the full moon falls in your communication sector, you might be so booked and busy that you actually could use a time-out for self-care.
And prepare for the second half of the month to be high-energy, especially in terms of hitting professional goals, because the sun and Venus both move into your career zone on the 23rd. This combo makes it possible to more readily charm higher-ups and pitch those innovative game plans you’ve had up your sleeve. Just know that change is around the corner, particularly around the 25th, when the solar eclipse and new moon fall there. The way you’ve been pursuing your long-term aspirations might require updating — or you may want to completely rethink how you’re defining success.
Since mid-September, Libra season has pulled your attention to your relationships, thanks to the sun moving through your intimacy sector. And Mercury’s retrograde there and in your partnership zone has been a catalyst for healing. Moments in which you butt heads with a loved one or your S.O. might have actually stemmed from emotional challenges you faced earlier on, and this retrograde was meant to help you differentiate the past from the present within your closest one-on-one bonds. From October 2 on, as the messenger planet goes direct, you might find lessons that you’ve learned over the past three weeks strengthen your self-awareness and can lead to even more fulfillment from your connections. Around the 9th, the full moon lights up your money zone, and you’ll be motivated to ensure that your money making plans are in line with your values.
As the sun and Venus shift into Scorpio and your adventure and higher learning sector on the 23rd, you’ll be feeling pumped to broaden your horizons. This time of year might feel more tailored to hibernation for some, but you’ll be all about planning future travel or taking a class that allows you to hone your skill set now. And as lucky Jupiter, retrograde since July, moves backward into your sign from the 28th to December 20, you’ll enjoy a surge of fortune and go-big-or-go-home energy that can support the transformation of your boldest visions into reality.