Sara Li

Title: Reporter
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Expertise: Culture, Politics
  • Sara Li is a writer and editor based in Los Angeles who covers all things fashion, culture, and wellness.
  • Her work has appeared in InStyle, Vogue, Paper Magazine, The Cut, and more.
  • Sara is also a Webby Award-winning writer and actor.


Sara is a Webby Award-winning writer, actor, and model. She works alongside We the Women Collective for her theatre and digital productions and Minelli Management for modeling and brand work. She currently is the Managing Editor of Good Good Good. You can find her reporting in InStyle, Vogue, Paper Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and more.

About InStyle

InStyle is an award-winning destination for fashion, beauty, and pop-culture, with an all-are-welcome ethos that swings open the proverbial velvet ropes. Whether you’re looking for a wardrobe refresh, haircut inspiration, or a story that’ll make sparkling cocktail-party conversation, our expert-connected coverage is where to start. Learn more about our team and editorial guidelines, here.

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