6 Consequences of Social Media Filters, According to Experts

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To say that social media is problematic would be quite an understatement. Whether you're on Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok, chances are you've dabbled in playing with the filters on these apps. Although filters can be fun, and sometimes they can even make us feel seen and beautiful, they're far from harmless.

More often than not, time spent on social media using these filters can do more harm than good by altering our expectations. Beauty filters on social apps are notorious for highlighting Euro-centric beauty features or even completely changing the face. It seems like every time we hop on the app we find yet another filter that turns us into completely different versions of ourselves. The result? Social media users who are dissatisfied with their own features, specifically those who identify as women.

To learn more, we tapped experts Dr. Leela R. Magavi, Dr. Josie Howard, and Dr. Francisco Tausk, who shared the full impact of filtering on social media.

meet the expert

  • Dr. Leela R. Magavi is a Hopkins-trained psychiatrist and regional medical director for Community Psychiatry and MindPath Care Centers.
  • Dr. Josie Howard is a board-certified psychiatrist who specializes in psychodermatology and is on the scientific advisory board for Proactiv.
  • Dr. Francisco Tausk is a Loum psychodermatologist.

Keep reading to learn six surprising — and not-so-surprising — consequences of social media filters.

Filtering Affects All Age Groups

According to The Wall Street Journal, this impact is real. In an internal document from Facebook reported on by WSJ, the social media platform revealed that it is aware of the harmful effects these apps have on women. Per the document, "32 percent of teen girls said that when they felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse," and "among teens who reported suicidal thoughts, 13 percent of British users and 6 percent of American users traced the issue to Instagram."

However, this issue extends beyond teenagers. 

"Children and adults of all ages have confided in me and shared that they are ashamed of posting photographs of themselves without the use of filters," said Dr. Magavi. "I have assessed some teenagers, men, and women who have discussed the idea of getting plastic surgery to look more like the filtered version of themselves."

Filters Influence Plastic Surgery

The research agrees with Dr. Magavi's assessment. Studies show that social media significantly influences plastic surgery trends, and people are bringing photos of their filtered selves as their inspiration pictures.

Filtering Can Hurt Mental Health

In addition to cosmetic procedures, experts say there is a direct link between social media filters and lower self-esteem, self-confidence, and higher cases of body dysmorphia. 

"I definitely see a new theme to body dysmorphic concerns," explained Dr. Howard. "People begin to expect themselves to look like their filtered self and can become obsessed with achieving that in the real world, which leaves them depressed, anxious, lonely, and disappointed." 

A Canadian study published in 2019 showed that time spent on social media could exacerbate or trigger body image concerns.

"This study contended that as little as five minutes spent on Facebook or Instagram could have the capacity to elicit this negative response," noted Dr. Magavi. 

Other studies have coined "Snapchat dysmorphia" or "selfie dysmorphia" as terms to describe this phenomenon.

Filtering Can Trigger Loneliness

In addition to low self-esteem, these filters can also perpetuate feelings of loneliness and isolation. 

"At the same time that we are seeing people's self-esteem eroded by exposure to social media, we are also seeing an increasing sense of isolation because these filters create a self-reinforcing feedback loop that leads to people spending more time on social media, seeking virtual validation, and less time connecting with others in the real world," suggested Dr. Howard.

Filters Can Affect You Subconsciously

Suprisingly, this can have the same impact on those who have acknowledged that the filters that completely change your face are fake. 

"More than a game, these apps subconsciously implant the notion of imperfection and ugliness, generating a loss of confidence," said Dr. Tausk.

Dr. Magavi added, "Subconsciously, social media and filters can also remind individuals of painful times in their lives or highlight their insecurities, and consequently, heighten symptoms of depression and anxiety. Excessive time spent looking at filtered versions of themselves can adversely affect individuals' mood, sleep, and overall mental and physical wellness."

Filtering's Impact on Society

Even those who don't spend a lot of time on these apps can still feel the ramifications of these filters because they have a way of affecting society as a whole.

"While the impacts may first be seen amongst the users of social media, they quickly bleed into and permeate the general beauty standards and aesthetic expectations of all of us," explained Dr. Howard. "So, even if someone is not spending hours on social media, they are still exposed to images and products that are driven by the phenomenon of filter-enhanced expectations."

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How to Respond to Social Media Filters

So, how can we combat the downward self-esteem spirals and pit of negativity from using filters on these apps? Dr. Howard noted that the first step is awareness.

"I think really cognitively and consciously challenging and reminding ourselves that these images are not real is a good first step," Dr. Howard added. "It's also important to have some awareness of when social media may be leading to depression, anxiety, or isolation."

Being aware of any early warning signs can help you remain proactive and signal when you need to take a break and ground yourself off-screen. Additionally, Dr. Magavi recommended curating your social feeds to be a realm of positivity, inspiration, and self-compassion. Social media apps are echo chambers, which means the algorithms are designed to constantly feed you one perspective and view of the world based on who you follow, what you engage with, and like.

That said, if you begin following those who are body-positive — people who don't use these filters as much and accounts that promote authenticity — then you're more likely to surround yourself and believe in those views, too.

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  1. Hogue Jacqueline V., Mills Jennifer S. The effects of active social media engagement with peers on body image in young women. Body Image. doi.org/10.1016/j.bodyim.2018.11.002

  2. Wang Jordan V., Rieder Evan A., Schoenberg Elizabeth, Zachary Christopher B., Saedi Nazanin. Patient perception of beauty on social media: Professional and bioethical obligations in esthetics. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. doi: 10.1111/jocd.13118

  3. Cinelli Matteo, De Francisci Morales Gianmarco, Galeazzi Alessandro, Quattrociocchi Walter, Starnini Michele. The echo chamber effect on social media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2023301118

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