What the Obamas Did Next

Photo: Evan Vucci/AP Images

Just one day after once again becoming civilians, Barack and Michelle Obama are taking action to help people in her hometown of Chicago. The couple launched a new website for the Obama Foundation, Obama.org, which includes an introduction video featuring a short speech from the former President and First Lady.

In the video, the Obamas explain they'll be taking some time off to be with family and "be still for a little bit," but also teasing the big projects they have in the pipeline. First and foremost is the creation of the Barack Obama Presidential Center in Chicago, which they're encouranging people to help shape.

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"The center will be based on the South Side of Chicago, but it will have projects all over the city, the country, and the world," former President Obama explained in the video. "More than a library or a museum, it will be a living, working center for citizenship. That's why we want to hear from you."

Through the website, anyone can submit ideas or inspirational stories that will help shape the future of the organization. The nonprofit Obama Foundation was created back in 2014, and now, it will spearhead the efforts to build the Presidential Center, which is expected to be completed by 2020.

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