Channing Tatum Is Legit Bald

Photo: Keith Mayhew/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

There is actually science behind why people feel get dramatic haircuts after a breakup. It's unclear if this is why Channing Tatum shaved off all of his hair today, but regardless, his new look is drastic enough that many would consider it a breakover cut.

Tatum shared two photos of himself on Twitter this afternoon. The photo on the left is from when he was one of P Diddy's Sean Jean models in 2003, and the one of the right is from today. In both photos he has no hair. Yes, the actor is legit bald and took advantage of #FlashbackFriday to share his new look.

While I fully support the cathartic move of dramatically changing your hair when times get tough, Twitter on the other hand, had some thoughts about Tatum's shaved head. One fan harshly compared him to Dr. Evil, while another told him to "Stop… don’t do that again, please." Too late.

Other fans loved the new look, responding to the actor's Tweet with heart emojis. One fan said she would marry him "not in a crazy mad stalker sense, in a we’d meet and you’d genuinely fall in love with me sense."

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This isn't the first time Tatum has divided Twitter with one his hairstyles. His fans had a love-hate relationship with his long, early aughts, boyband-esque hair at the 2016 Golden Globes.

You can't win them all, but you got to respect Tatum's creative use of #FlashbackFriday.

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