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Fall fanatics can finally rejoice as what might be considered the most autumnal month is finally upon us. Brimming with excuses to bake up something sweet and spiced and serving as the opening act of the holiday season, November is equal parts ethereal, cozy, and full of opportunities to celebrate. That tone is set by the month’s astrological co-hosts: commanding Scorpio and exuberant Sagittarius.
The sun moves through Scorpio, the fixed (aka resolute/obstinate) water sign that’s innately comfortable with the shadow side of life, power, and the transformative nature of sex and relationships, until November 22. And for the second half of the month, the vitality-bringing sun moves through mutable fire sign Sagittarius, which is full of wanderlust, the desire to go big or go home, and a thirst for knowledge. The result of combining Scorpio's laser focus with Sagittarius' adventurous nature could lead to a truly game-changing month. And oh yes, it also happens to feature the final eclipse of the year.
That super-charged, highly emotional vibe could be running high as the month kicks off, as the lunar eclipse and full moon falls in Taurus (opposite the sun in Scorpio) on November 8. The same day, Venus squares off against Saturn, indicating a focus on relationships and money. Mercury in Scorpio also opposes Uranus in Taurus, which could make for sudden, out of the blue outbursts involving communication or technology.
But daydreams and fantasies are within reach just days later, thanks to Venus, Mercury, and the sun in Scorpio all taking turns forming sweet trines to spiritual, illusion-loving Neptune in Pisces from November 10 to 14. And on the 15th, Venus in Scorpio trines Jupiter in Pisces, which is one of the most classically romantic planetary meetups, amplifying optimism, beauty, and harmony in relationships.
Both Venus, the planet of love, and Mercury, the messenger planet, will move through Sagittarius from mid-month til early December, infusing your bonds with unfiltered communication and a party-loving perspective. And on November 23, just ahead of Thanksgiving, a new moon in outspoken, wisdom-seeking Sag allows you to kick off a new chapter by speaking straight from the heart.
That said, the key to making the most of November is to do your best to accept what’s out of your control — then shamelessly celebrate everything that is. (Be sure to read your rising sign as well as your sun.)
While you tend to prefer to deal with your business and move on, the confident sun has been in your intimacy sector since October 23, requiring that you get cozy with challenging emotions. Maybe you’ve been unpacking deep-rooted memories in therapy or figuring out how to best express your needs between the sheets with your S.O. Money has also been a focus, because this zone also oversees joint resources, and around November 8, the lunar eclipse and full moon in your income sector could have you questioning what you’ve been putting value in and channeling your energy toward. It could be time to rethink how you’re bringing in cash, the financial goals you’ve set for yourself, and the tables to which you’re bringing your skills. Being open to moving in another direction isn’t failure now, especially — it’s strength.
But the rest of the month is far from heavy, because as we move further into the month, planets begin to shift into your adventure zone, which is certainly comfier territory for you. From November 17 to December 6, both romantic Venus and messenger Mercury will be there, allowing you to connect with your nearest and dearest by getting out of your comfort zone. Learning opportunities could abound, whether you’re challenging one another at the gym or while picking up a new language. Around November 23’s new moon in your higher learning sector, consider setting an intention that feels barely attainable. You’ll be surprised what you can manifest.
This season has no doubt felt super-intense for you, Taurus, thanks to planets moving through your opposite sign — and partnership sector — as well as the eclipses hitting that zone and your sign. Around November 8, the building energy reaches a fever pitch when the lunar eclipse and full moon in your sign is exact. You may feel fired up to take a stand on behalf of your needs. At the same time, a particular relationship — a S.O. or maybe friend, business partner, etc. — could be on your mind and a source of stress if you’re not willing to accept that it’s time for change. Reconciling these two aspects of your life will be a key focus now, and you’ll do well to be open to switching up your approach, perhaps even out of the blue.
From November 10 to 14, several planets in your partnership zone harmonize with Neptune in your friendship and long-term wishes sector, which can make collaboration — especially on imaginative, spiritually-supportive projects — happen more readily. Then, on November 15, your ruler, sweet Venus, forms a helpful trine to lucky Jupiter there, making this particularly fortunate moment for your bonds — romantic and platonic alike. As a parade of planets shift into your intimacy sector beginning on November 17 when Mercury, the planet of communication, lands there, a bolstered willingness to wear your heart on your sleeve serves you well.
Scorpio season often sees you putting your nose to the grindstone, trying to stick to that ambitious schedule you set for yourself and keeping up with your health and wellness goals. But this isn’t just any old Scorp season, thanks to a couple of dramatic eclipses — one of which will surely be felt as soon as the month begins. Happening in your spirituality zone, its effect might not be felt as acutely for you as some other signs, but you could feel worn out, taxed emotionally, and a bit unsure of how to act on vivid dreams or a wildly running imagination. With Mars retrograde in your sign since the end of October, acting isn’t really necessary. Instead, you're just being asked to sit back and see what the universe has in store for you, as challenging as that might sound.
And even before the sun shifts into your partnership sector on November 22, Mercury, your ruler, will be there from November 17 to December 6, magnifying one-on-one communication. This could be the perfect moment to join forces with a dear friend, lover, or colleague and brainstorm how to get the ball rolling on that brilliant business plan you’ve been batting around. Around November 23, the new moon there presents you with a sweet chance to kick off a new narrative within a partnership. If you’re single and looking for a LTR, striving for a clear picture of who you want to pair up with could lead to gratifying results. If you’re attached, taking a heartfelt step (like discussing where you want to go from here) lays the groundwork for something magical.
Lucky you, Cancer. Pleasure, self-expression, fun, and spontaneity have likely been on your plate in spades, thanks to the confident sun — and Mercury and Venus — moving through your romance zone since the middle of last month. But you’re also ruled by the moon, which has been the focal point of a lot of astrological drama the last couple of weeks, thanks to eclipse season. And around November 8, when the full moon and lunar eclipse falls in your networking and long-term wishes zone, it could be time to switch up your approach to a team project or how you’re showing up within a group of friends. Because the moon will pair up with Uranus, volatile energy could catch you off-guard, but it’s still possible to hold your ground and stay true to whatever it is your gut is telling you about the road ahead.
Then, from November 10 to 14, a flurry of planets make harmonious angles to one another in your romance and adventure sectors. You might be inspired to confess exactly how you feel to your sweetheart, in the most poetic, impromptu, heartfelt way, or maybe it’s finally time to plan that long-distance trip with your bestie. Once Sag season kicks off on November 22, and the sun begins its trip through your wellness zone, you’ll be more focused on enhancing your daily hustle and attaining more work-life balance. Lean on loved ones for support, especially around the new moon there on the 23rd.
The sun, your ruler, has been moving through your home zone since October 23, requiring you to look inward and devote more time to family matters. And around November 8, when the lunar eclipse and full moon lights up the area of your chart that sits opposite that one — your career zone — you might have to contend with a crisis related to work-life balance. It’s a wake-up call that nurturing your emotional well-being isn’t negotiable if you want to get ahead professionally, because the two are inextricably linked. You might also be butting heads with an authority figure — or stepping into and grappling with a leadership position yourself.
Thankfully, the month quickly takes a romantic turn when several planets in your home zone, starting with relationship-oriented Venus on the 10th, followed by messenger Mercury on the 12th, and finally, the self-image-ruling sun on the 14th, form harmonious trines to Neptune, the planet of spirituality and dreams, in your intimacy zone. This flurry of cozy, magical energy may make it easier to share your deepest-rooted emotions and needs with someone special. Then, Venus and Mercury move into your self-expression and romance zone (they’ll both be there between November 17 to December 6), boosting your desire to hit pause on work, be in the moment, and put pleasure first. Channeling your most heartfelt feelings into a creative project could prove particularly fulfilling now, too. And around November 23, when the new moon falls in the same zone, flirt up a storm, dance all night, or detail your dreamiest fantasies to someone special, and you’ll be setting the stage for even more satisfaction.
You love being busy, Virgo, but this time of year is something else. Scorpio season tends to pack your calendar like no other time of year, thanks to the confident sun moving through your communication sector. Plans with friends, professional connections, family members, possibly dates, et al. abound, and, TBH, you might be spread a bit too thin (but what’s new, right?). Around November 8, the lunar eclipse and full moon falls in your adventure and higher learning zone, requiring you to do some soul searching around how you’re expanding your horizons. It’s easy for you to get bogged down in all the daily details and your regular hustle, but moving beyond the mundane is a must now — for your spirit, for your soul, and for your life experience. You could be inspired to take a class, get jet set, or explore new philosophies and perspectives.
Then, partnership is very much front and center for you through the middle of the month, thanks to several planets, including Mercury, your ruler, in your communication zone forming harmonious trines to Neptune, the planet of spirituality, dreams, and illusion. You could find letting your imagination run rampant alongside a collaborator or significant other leads to a thrilling idea you can’t wait to dive into tackling together. Sag season might feel like it’s starting a bit early, once Venus, then Mercury, move into your home zone on November 16 and 17 respectively, and the sun follows on November 22. This time of year was made for extra bonding moments with loved ones and pouring energy into your inner life — and this is especially the case for you.
Scorpio season throws your attention toward your money, honey, thanks to the sun’s journey through your income sector. You’ve no doubt been working OT, hustling, and giving it all you’ve got to turn passion projects into bolstered cash flow. And around November 8, when the lunar eclipse and full moon falls in your intimacy and joint resources zone, you might become more aware of just how problematic a particular relationship — or relationship dynamic — is for your emotional well-being but also bank account. It could be that it’s time to stop doing business with a particular client, to take a stand to get paid your worth, or to overhaul how you’re managing money with your S.O., roomie, or another family member.
Embrace optimism over fear, because on November 15, Venus, your ruler, in your money zone will form a harmonious trine to lucky Jupiter in your daily routine zone, which could amplify your ability to turn your artistic skills or creative vision into regular income. Then, Venus shifts into your communication sector on November 16, followed by information-gathering Mercury on the 17th, which fuels your social life in a supremely satisfying way. After all, you thrive on time with friends and hosting parties — particularly during one of the most festive times of year. Around November 23, the new moon in this sector can serve as a launching pad for forging new connections and satiating your curiosity. Set an intention that’s linked to intellectual stimulation, and you can’t go wrong.
The sun in your sign since October 23 means that everyone is experiencing vibes you live with every day of the year, and this can be super-comforting to you now, Scorpio. At the same time, eclipse season has been shaking up your world, nudging you to not only reflect on but embrace personal growth while shaking off self-limiting beliefs. And around November 8, when the lunar eclipse and full moon fall in your partnership sector, you’ll become even more aware of how your own progress and needs are dovetailing with those of someone you’re in a close, one-on-one relationship with. You might hear that this is breakup weather for you, but it doesn’t have to indicate the disintegration of your bond entirely. It could simply be the end of a chapter, what naturally needs to occur in order for you to evolve onto the next level of your story.
Right on the tail-end of the eclipse comes a few lovely trines from several planets in your sign to Neptune, the planet of dreams, in your romance zone, spanning from November 10 to 14, which might signal the infusion of a sexy, ethereal energy into your love and dating life. This fortunate stream of planetary meetups culminates with Venus trine Jupiter, the planet of abundance, setting up what might be one of the luckiest days of the year for you as far as love, creativity, fun, and self-expression go. And as Sag season kicks off, with the sun in your money zone from November 22 to December 21, you can channel the renewed sense of self and refreshed artistic perspective this month has spurred into an income-growing game plan.
The sun has been moving through your spirituality zone since October 23, which often feels like standing backstage before a big show, maybe even fearing that you’ve forgotten your lines — or you just wish you could take a nap. Basically, it can be a sleepy moment for you, but it’s also a season in which you can meditate and dream and plant seeds for your own season which is just around the corner. And around November 8, when the lunar eclipse and full moon fall there, you’ll be even more in tune with your intuition than usual, and tapping into it can offer you a clearer perspective on how you can succeed later in the month.
Venus will be the first of the planets to move into your sign, on November 16, bringing a surge of adventurous energy and buoyancy into your relationships until December 7. Then, Mercury follows right on its heels, on the 17th, remaining there until December 6. Not only will you feel more empowered than usual to share your feelings in an unfiltered, no-holds-barred way, but the rest of the world is speaking your language now, so you’ll likely feel more understood and heard than usual. The confident sun’s time in your sign from November 22 to December 21 powers up your passion projects and can help you to be extra assertive. Just remember that with Mars retrograde in your partnership zone until January 12, one-on-one projects in particular could be a bit slow-going. But around November 23, when the new moon falls in your sign, you have your annual shot at aiming for the stars. You already have faith that you can make even your greatest aspiration real.
Your networking zone has been activated by the sun’s time in Scorpio, so teamwork and time with friends has likely been a main focus for the last couple of weeks. With the eclipse happening there late last month, your social circle may be changing, or perhaps you’re on the precipice of starting a thrilling new group project. And this month, around November 8, the lunar eclipse and full moon lands in your self-expression, empowering you to own creative talents and romantic desires that you might’ve brushed aside in the past. Soon thereafter, several planets in your networking sector — which also encompasses long-term wishes — will cozy up with Neptune, the planet of dreams and spirituality, in your communication zone, which can make for quite a bit of exhilarating inspiration. It would be wise to host a brainstorm and lean into even the most out-there ideas now.
Then, from November 22 to December 21, the confident sun moves through your spirituality zone, which might feel like taking astrology’s version of melatonin, encouraging you to put solo time ahead of tons of social plans and prioritizing self-care routines (like actually sleeping in on the weekend versus getting up and being your industrious self). Sure, you might miss that typical hustle you’re so accustomed to, but there’ll be plenty of time for that next month. For now, use the new moon on November 23 to let your intuition run the show and decide where you should be putting your energy.
You’ve been striving for recognition and potentially taking on a more authoritative role at work lately, thanks to the sun’s time in your career zone since mid-October. But as November rolls in, so does the lunar eclipse and full moon in your home zone on the 8th, and that energy could have you thinking seriously about the motivation behind all that pushing to be in command in your professional life. This emotionally charged time brings up old wounds and stirs up reflection around your sense of security and roots. Do your best to work through whatever comes up instead of leaning into logic and rationality over what’s in your heart, because this moment’s an opportunity for healing. Expecting the unexpected serves you well, too, with the sun squaring off against your ruler, game-changer Uranus, in your home zone the day following the eclipse.
If this all feels a bit heavy, it could be reassuring to look down the tunnel and see that light is promised in the form of several planets — first, Venus, on November 16, followed by Mercury, on the 17th, and the sun on the 22nd — moving into your networking zone, the sector your sign is associated with and an area of life you’re intimately comfy with. Team efforts, time spent bolstering platonic bonds, and productive get-togethers with colleagues should continue to fill up your calendar until mid-December.
Scorpio season lights up your adventure zone, encouraging you to step out of your usual routine and experience something new, eye-opening, potentially thrilling, and perhaps even a little bit unnerving. And with the final eclipses of 2022 activating this same axis, you’ve no doubt been picking up on heightened energy in this area of your life. You might be itching to jump on a plane — on a whim! — or sign up for a course to advance your skill set or simply connect with a teacher you think could be a wonderful mentor. Your curiosity soars, especially around November 8, when the full moon and lunar eclipse falls in your communication sector. Listen to that buzzy feeling urging you to spread your wings a bit, as it could lead you to realizing what initially felt like a farfetched ambition.
And speaking of dreams, your ruler, spiritual Neptune, will be harmonizing a few times with various planets moving through Scorpio — and your higher learning sector — making it even more productive than usual to pay attention to your dreams, particularly between November 10-14. And on the 15th, Venus trines Jupiter in your sign, which could spike your good fortune, especially in terms of opportunities for personal growth. Then, a parade of planets move into your career zone, magnifying your confidence in stepping into the spotlight. You can take advantage of this all the way into December, so get clear on your vision and then take bold steps to making it your reality.