As you reflect back on 2022, you might note just how full of intimacy-boosting, shakeup-bringing moments it truly was. After all, with four eclipses in fixed signs Taurus and Scorpio and more retrogrades than usual, this was a year for turning inward and truly listening to what your intuition had to say. And with Jupiter, the planet of fortune, pairing up with Neptune, the planet of dreams, it was a creatively stimulating moment that set a tone for our artistic impulses for years to come. You could have adopted a whole new personal aesthetic that you’re pumped to run with.
Now, 2023 is upon us, and with it, the opportunity to step up how you’re showing up for yourself and in partnerships, thanks to eclipses in self-image-conscious Aries and social Libra on April 20 and October 14 respectively. And thanks to expansive Jupiter entering sensual Taurus, you may also find that slowing down brings even more fortune and fulfillment. No matter what you’re hoping to achieve in the coming year, what better way to get an idea of how you might be supported in your efforts than by looking toward the sky?
As you read on for your 2023 forecast, be sure to read your rising sign (which you can learn from your natal chart or by using an online calculator) and your sun.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
You’re always striving to achieve more in your professional life, Capricorn, and this year marks the start of big changes that will align you even more so with your purpose and deliver the recognition you’ve been working toward. Just know that until January 18, Mercury’s retrograde in your sign will be pushing you to tie up loose ends and get clear on what you truly want to make happen. Around April 20, the first solar eclipse of the year activates your home zone, which could prove to be an eye-opening moment perhaps stemming from — or inspiring — deep inner work. Your roots, security, and familial bonds are front of mind, and you’ll realize something needs to shift in order for you to evolve in this part of your world. The next chapter of this story goes down around October 14 when the second solar eclipse of the year occurs in your career sector. You’ll want to consider how you’re claiming authority and giving it away in your life, and then, begin to actively shift dynamics that may be holding you back. And thanks to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moving through your romance and self-expression zone beginning on May 16 and lasting for just over a year, fun, pleasure, playfulness, and creativity will all be within close reach.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
2022 was full of moments that overhauled your career trajectory and home life, Aquarius, and you can look forward to more along the same lines this year, thanks to two more eclipses illuminating those areas of life. The first, on May 5, is a lunar eclipse in your home zone, which will raise your awareness of your roots and inner life. And the second, a lunar eclipse in your professional and public image sector on October 28, could be a jaw-dropping culmination point related to how you’re making your mark. It could be that deep healing work is required for you to believe in yourself enough to make an ambitious aspiration your reality. Super-slow-moving Pluto will also spend time in your sign from March 23 to June 11, which will have major generational and societal effects but could also burn down anything that’s no longer serving you in nurturing your identity. And taskmaster Saturn’s two-plus-year trip through your money zone begins on March 7, encouraging you to put your nose to the grindstone on projects that are in line with your values in order to hit your financial goals.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Your personal goals and partnerships were top of mind through 2022, thanks to Jupiter moving through your sign, and now, as 2023 kicks off with the magnifying planet moving through your money zone, you’re focused on expanding your income. The new moon in your sign on February 20 is one of the first major moments of the year in which you can lean into self-reflection, meditation, and intuitive magic to get clear on what you want to achieve and how exactly you can most effectively reach the finish line. Setting your intention around this lunation could lead to concrete results in six months time, around August 30, when your annual full moon occurs. And speaking of concrete, taskmaster Saturn’s two-plus-year trip through your sign begins on March 7, and you’ll do well to diligently do the work to foster self-confidence and own your sense of self. Then, beginning May 16 for just over a year, lucky Jupiter’s trip through your communication zone brings more lively learning opportunities and moments in which you can connect and collaborate with like-minded friends and colleagues.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
2023 is a year that could easily go down as a particularly memorable one for you, Aries, thanks to a big, new eclipse series. The first, a solar eclipse in your sign, occurs on April 20, kicking off a bold new chapter of change, especially around how you see and present yourself. The second solar eclipse of the year, on October 14, lights up your partnership sector, spurring the start of various game-changing shifts in your one-on-one relationships. In the days around these intense moments, you’ll know exactly how you need to assert your long-term desires. In fact, you’ll want to be doing life and chasing your dreams in an altogether bigger, bolder way while Jupiter, the planet of magnification and fortune, is in your sign yet again until May 16. You’ll feel empowered to take action to make even the most ambitious aspiration your everyday reality. Then, as Jupiter moves through your money zone for just over a year, you’ll find you can more readily amplify your income.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Thanks to hard-hitting eclipses throughout 2022, you’ve been going through it, Taurus. And while that journey of change and personal growth will continue, thanks to a lunar eclipse in your partnership sector on May 5 and a lunar eclipse in your sign on October 28, the way in which you stand up for your needs while simultaneously meeting partners’ (whether professional, platonic, or romantic) is shifting. By the end of the year, you’ll feel even more confident and centered in your sense of self and closest relationships. At the same time, 2023 has the potential to be one of your fortunate years yet, given lucky Jupiter’s year-long trip through your sign and self sector. You can manifest goals that previously felt frustratingly slow to reach, and your optimism will soar. From July 22 to September 3, your ruling planet, romantic Venus, will be retrograde in your home zone, which could inspire you to heal deeply-rooted emotional wounds in an effort to approach all of your closest relationships with increased clarity and contentment.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The coming year looks exceptionally social for you, Gemini, which should be music to your ears as the buzzy, communication-loving, Mercury-ruled air sign. Just don’t be too dismayed if 2023 starts out slower than you might ideally like as a result of Mars retrograde in your sign until January 12 and Mercury moving backward in your intimacy zone until January 18. Once Aquarius season, and the sun’s time in your adventure sector arrives, you can begin to move forward — whether that means more travel, educational ops, or making interesting connections outside your usual circle of friends. In fact, fostering a whole new team, group, or community may very much be in the cards for you as expansive Jupiter moves once more through your networking zone until May 16. (Think back to May 10 to October 28, 2022 for a sense of what to expect once more.) But you’ll also do well to embrace opportunities to slow down and reassess what you truly want out of your inner life, particularly as your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde from April 21 to May 14 in your spirituality zone, from August 23 to September 15 in your home zone, and from December 13 to January 1 in your intimacy and partnership sectors.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
A thrilling storm is brewing for you this year, Cancer, and it’s about to bring jaw-dropping changes to your public and private lives. You’re pretty much always deeply affected by the moon’s phases, as la luna is your ruler, but your story will be especially shaped by two of its eclipses this year, because they fall in fellow cardinal signs Aries and Libra. Around April 20, the solar eclipse lights up your career zone, marking the beginning of a major turning point for how you’ll think about and pursue your big picture aspirations. And around October 14, the second solar eclipse of the year illuminates your home zone, kicking off a new narrative for your inner world and potentially domestic life. This could signal a big move or breakthrough in your bonds with loved ones. Professional gains are further emphasized by fortunate Jupiter in your career zone until May 16, magnifying your desire — and ability — to earn recognition on the job, and then, it moves into your networking sector for just over a year, spotlighting and delivering fortune from any effort to be a team player and collaborate with your community.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Given your appreciation for applause, chances are you’re going to be quite happy with the spotlit path 2023 is set to take you down. Last year’s game-changing eclipses fueled shake-ups and shifts in your career and home sectors, and you’ll continue on that trajectory, with lunar eclipses falling in those zones on May 5 and October 28 respectively. Meanwhile, starting on May 16 and lasting for almost a year, Jupiter, the planet of fortune and abundance, moves through your professional sector, delivering the advancement and recognition you’ve been striving for. Look out for a burst of optimism and satisfaction on June 11 when Venus in your sign squares Jupiter. In August, when several planets in your money zone harmonize with Jupiter, time spent in the limelight should start to reflect in your bank account. And once fall is in full swing, a solar eclipse in your communication sector on October 14 can mark the start of a new era of learning, friendship, and expressing yourself even more confidently.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Though there’s merit to tending to the everyday details of life, 2023 will be a year that gets you out of your comfort zone and out into the world, Virgo. For starters, though, around March 7, the annual full moon in your sign offers you a chance to work through deep emotional terrain. You’ll do well to say goodbye to an old narrative that’s no longer serving your self-image and long-term goals. March 7 is also significant, as it marks taskmaster Saturn’s move into your partnership sector, which may test but also solidify commitment within your one-on-one bonds. Adventure is also on the agenda come May 16, when Jupiter, the planet of luck, moves into your higher learning and long-distance travel sector for just over a year. Your thirst for knowledge and eye-opening experience — as well as your ability to satiate it — will soar. If you’ve been wanting to travel more or hone a particular skill set, this is the year to do it. Just know that when your ruler, messenger Mercury, moves backward — from April 21 to May 14 in your learning zone, from August 23 to September 15 in your sign, and from December 13 to January 1 in your self-expression and home zones — self-reflection and retracing your steps will ultimately get you further.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
You’re kicking off an exciting journey of personal growth this year, Libra. It might be initially slow-going, thanks to Mars retrograde in your learning zone until January 18 and Mercury retrograde in your home sector until January 18, but trust that, after that, you’re gonna need to buckle up for a wild ride that’ll ultimately serve to strengthen your sense of self and connections with others. Changes should become especially apparent around April 20 when the first eclipse of the year falls in your partnership zone, requiring you to zero in on your closest one-on-one bonds. Whether you’re ready to make a move or not, you’ll become even more aware of the need to take relationships to a new level. You may find that this particular storyline naturally continues around October 14 when the second solar eclipse of the year falls in your sign. You’ll also want to take time to revisit friendships from the past and reassess how you’re collaborating with others from July 22 to September 3, as your ruling planet, social Venus, will be retrograde in your networking zone.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Last year’s eclipse series hitting your sign and partnership sector has already transformed your sense of self, and that trend will continue into 2023, Scorpio, thanks to two more eclipses on this axis. Around May 5, the lunar eclipse in your sign can be a breakthrough moment related to your identity and self-image. And around October 28, the lunar eclipse in your partnership sector can deliver a groundbreaking moment for you and your S.O., dear friend, or business partner. And as if the eclipses weren’t already throwing a major focus on your one-on-one bonds, consider the fact that Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will be in your partnership zone as well, beginning on May 16 and lasting for just over a year. While you could be reveling in abundance in a LTR, Jupiter may also boost how much you’re pairing up with others in all areas of your life. Coming up with a business plan with a former colleague or volunteering with your college bestie can lead to well-deserved rewards.
Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)
2023 might start out on a sleepier note than you’d ideally like, given that Mars, the planet of action, will be retrograde in your partnership sector until January 12 and Mercury, the planet of communication, will also be moving backward in your money zone until January 18. But take heart that you’ll be able to hit the gas in one-on-one collaborations and earning soon thereafter. After all, lucky, abundance-bringing Jupiter, your ruler, will be moving through your romance and self-expression zone until May 16. (Think back to May 10 to October 28, 2022 for an idea of themes that’ll be prominent once again.) The lighthearted, flirtatious side of dating and opportunities to be more creative will be even more accessible than usual. And when the first solar eclipse of the year strikes in the same zone on April 20, you may realize it’s time to take a leap of faith and channel heartfelt feelings into an artistic project or a romantic bond. Then, beginning on May 16 for just over a year, Jupiter’s trip through your wellness and daily routine sector amplifies your day-to-day hustle. Expect a lot more busyness — and plenty of nudges to put self-care at the top of your to-do list.
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