The First Eclipse of the Year Is a Chance to Take Charge of Your Life

This change-bringing event is all about forging boldly into the future.


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Whether it’s because we associate it with organizing or because the days are increasingly brighter and lighter, springtime feels like the perfect opportunity to free yourself from emotional baggage and toxic drama. As it turns out, the sun, the moon, and the planets are in perfect agreement.

The first change-bringing eclipse season of the year is now in full swing, and believe it or not, the intense astrological event has more in common with spring cleaning than you might realize. It’s wired to deliver a hefty dose of exhilarating change and to stoke your appetite for all things shiny, bold, and new.

On Wednesday, April 19, at 9:12 p.m. PT/Thursday, April 20, at 12:12 a.m. ET, an independence-bolstering, relationship-shifting new moon and solar eclipse, falls in Aries, the cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action, energy, and sex. As the first eclipse in a new series of lunar events that will last through 2025, this eclipse delivers breakthroughs, epiphanies, and the ability to make power moves that will create massive changes over the course of the next six months.

The new moon and solar eclipse in Aries could shore up your sense of self.

New moons — which happen when the vitality-bringing sun pairs up with the intuitive moon — generally offer the chance to gain clarity around a new chapter you want to write over the course of the next two weeks (up until the next full moon) and next six months (when the corresponding full moon occurs). And when a new moon is accompanied by a solar eclipse — which happens when the moon casts a shadow on the sun — a highly-charged moment is amplified. Emotions run high, and your actions might feel like they carry even more weight than usual because it feels like you're on the brink of a whole new chapter. 

Unlike regular new moons, this isn’t a moment for a vision and step-by-step action plan to manifest what you want to call in. Instead, a solar eclipse will lay the groundwork for a new beginning you’re called to step into. It’s an agent of change — especially when it connects with a crucial planet or point in your natal chart. 

This eclipse is exceptionally eye-opening because it is occurring in Aries — a sign in which there hasn’t been an eclipse since September 2015. And because it is the first in a new series of lunar events that fall in Aries and its opposite sign, Libra, it also marks the beginning of a new narrative that will play out for you from now until 2025. 

For a sense of what to expect not only in the days around this eclipse, look to themes associated with fiery Aries: courage, independence, and ambition. You could be inspired to use this moment as a launchpad for a new venture and to step even more strongly into a bolder, braver, authentic version of yourself. The sign of the Ram is also notorious for its competitive nature, so you can anticipate a burst of energy. And because the moon falls at 29 degrees Aries, which is the very last — and most intense — degree of the sign, fiery emotions will be especially magnified.

The moon squares off against Pluto, emphasizing regeneration.  

At the final degree of Aries, the moon will be almost exactly square Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth, and power, which just moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius back on March 23. Pluto’s job is to shed light on the dark underbelly of life, and it can stir up paranoia, power struggles, and control issues. And that’s precisely what could happen around this solar eclipse.

Instead of shying away from whatever comes up or aiming to brush it under the rug, you might do your best to lean into the superpowers of Aries, acknowledging fears, anxieties, and unnerving exposed truths but not allowing them to quash your inner light. In fact, working through the darkness now could ultimately translate to an empowering transformation.

A connection to lucky Jupiter magnifies optimism. 

The new moon also links up with Jupiter, the planet of abundance and fortune, in Aries, bringing a glass-half-full vibe to this lunar event. You can more readily see the silver lining of whatever situation you’re navigating, pinpoint exhilarating opportunities, be extra enterprising and eliminate whatever’s no longer serving you to make room for whatever will. At the same time, because Jupiter tends to amplify everything it comes in contact with, the message of this new moon and solar eclipse will be bolded, highlighted, and have an exclamation point at the end of it. This could certainly make the takeaway anything but nebulous. 

Here is how this Aries new moon and solar eclipse will affect you, based on your sign. (Pro-tip: Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don't, you can find it on your natal chart or via this CafeAstrology calculator.)


This new moon and solar eclipse in your sign is like a lightning bolt, encouraging you to be even more faithful to yourself than ever. You could be called to follow your gut over your head and begin to turn a passionate wish into a reality. 


This new moon and solar eclipse hits your twelfth house of spirituality, which might feel a bit sleepy, but it’s actually about doing the self-work and planting the seeds to launch the future of your dreams. 


The new moon and solar eclipse in your eleventh house of networking will kick off a new chapter related to the people you surround yourself with. Now could be a challenging but crucial turning point that requires asking yourself if friends and colleagues are supporting your long-term goals and working alongside you or if it’s time to align yourself with others who will. 


The new moon and solar eclipse fall in your tenth house of career, laying the groundwork for big changes in your professional path and inner life. You’re compelled to reflect on your relationship with authority and to heal old wounds that may be inhibiting your ability to achieve.


The new moon and solar eclipse fall in your ninth house of adventure, stirring you to tune into your gut and step outside of your comfort zone. The result could be truly rewarding personal growth. 


The new moon and solar eclipse in your eighth house of intimacy will bring your attention to your emotional bonds. A willingness to be more vulnerable can result in transformation or epiphanies in your closest relationships.  


This new moon and solar eclipse falls in your seventh house of partnership. Because this eclipse series will also hit your sign, you’ll explore how your sense of self relates to your one-on-one connections and reciprocity over the next few years. Reflect on these themes while remaining open to impending shifts that may be in store.


With the new moon and solar eclipse in your sixth house of wellness, you’ll be stirred to shake up how you handle your daily hustle and approach to your health and well-being. You’ll want to embrace changes that can bolster your sense of inner peace and overall balance.


Falling in your fifth house of romance, this new moon and solar eclipse can fuel your desire to express yourself creatively or in a more heartfelt, connected way with someone special. You’ll be empowered by owning and sharing your voice.


The new moon and solar eclipse fall in your fourth house of home life, illuminating emotional issues with loved ones or related to your home environment that requires your attention. While you might prefer to focus on work, caring for your inner life is a must for you to make professional strides. 


The new moon and solar eclipse fall in your third house of communication, pumping up your appetite to learn and connect with others. You might be inspired to pick up new skills, potentially alongside friends, neighbors, or siblings.


With the new moon and solar eclipse in your second house of income, you’re on the brink of a significant realization related to moneymaking. Balancing what you know rationally with what you know intuitively will be critical.

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